February 2019
Congratulations Sean for matching with a predoctoral internship with Vancouver Coastal Health!
May 2018
Congratulatiosn to former research therapist Rachelle Pullmer for the successful defense of her dissertation!
April 2018
Congratulations to Lynnaea Northey for receiving the CIHR Doctoral Award!
Congratulations to Bridget for the successful defense of her Honour's thesis!
Congratulations to Sara Beth for winning the Key Big Data Scholarship!
February 2018
Congratulations to former research assistant Angelina Yiu, for accepting a post-doc position in New York with the Child Mind Institute!
November 2017
Congratulations to Lynnaea for successfully completing her Master's defense, with no revisions!
June 2017
Congratulations to Brianne Layden for successfully defnding her dissertation!
Cogratulations to Matthew Wakefield for the successful defense of his Master's thesis. Matthew recently was awarded the CIHR DFSA Doctoral award!
May 2017
Congratulations to former research assistant Megan Per, who recently was accepted into the Master's in Counselling Psychology program at the University of McGill!
Congratulations to former research assistant Mark Kerr, on getting accepted into the Master's of Couselling Psychology program at the University of British Columbia!
April 2017
Congratulations to former research assistant Mackenzie Robertson, who was recently accepted into grad school at the University of Victoria!
Congratulations to Jason Chung for successfully defending his honours thesis!
February 2017
Congratulations to Brianne Layden who matched to a fantastic post-dotoral position at the University of Massachusetts!
Congratulations to form student and lab manager Angelina Yui for matching with an outstanding internship at Northwestern University!
Congratulations to former student Keyne Law for matching a brilliant internship at the Medical School of South Carolina!
April 2016
Congratualations to Jessica Ferreira who was recently accepted to the Clinical Psychology MA program at Simon Fraser University! She will be working with Dr. Rebecca Cobb in the Close Relationships Lab.
Congratulations to Emma Leonard on the successful defence of her honours thesis! She recently got accepted to the Counselling Psychology MA program at the University of Birtish Columbia. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Tichen Hsieh who was accepted for a residency in psychiatry at the University of Ottawa! It has been a long and bumpy road since he traveled here from Taiwan, but his persistence and tenacity have paid off.
February 2016
Congratulations to Brianne Layden who matched to an outstanding internship site at the University of Massachussetts!
October 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Brianna Turner on her recent graduation and the recognition of her excellent work on SFU's website! You can read the article about her here:
September 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Alexander Chapman for being promoted to full professor!
August 2015
Congratulations to Brianne Layden for receiving the Michael Stevenson Graduate Scholarship!
Congratulations to Sara Austin for receiving the Frank Linville Graduate Scholarship!
April 2015
Congratulations to Matthew Wakefield for receiving the CIHR CGS Master’s award! This prestigious award provides recognition and funding to master's students. Congratulations, Matt!
February 2015
Congratulations to Brianna Turner for recieving a prestigious CIHR Banting Post-doctoral Award! She will be heading off to work with Dr. Matthew Nock at Harvard for 2 years. Congratulations Bri!
Dr. Chapman has recently been featured by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at SFU on their webiste. You can read more about his research and clinical work here:
June 2014
Congratulations to Brianna Turner for the succesful defense of her dissertation. Congratulations Bri!
Congratulations to Jessica Ferreira for receiving the CPA Certificate of Academic Excellence for her honours thesis. Congratulations, Jessica!
March 2014
Congratulations to Jessica Ferreira for the succesful defense of her honours thesis. Congratulations, Jessica!
February 2014
Congratulations to Brianna Turner who matched to an outstanding internship site the University of Washington Medical Center! Congratulations, Brianna!
Congratulations to Sean Butler and his partner on the birth of their first child. She's beautiful! Congratulations, Sean!
January 2014
Alex Chapman and some colleagues (from CAMH in Toronto) will receive a CIHR Operating Grant for $1,459,320 for a multi-site randomized controlled trial. The title of the grant is: Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Chronically Self-Harming Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder: Evaluating the Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of a Six-Month Treatment.
July 2013
Congratulations to Brianne Layden for receiving the American Psychological Association's Division 18 Criminal Justice Section award for Outstanding Student! The award is for an outstanding student who has done clinical and research work with correctional populations and has outperformed, given her/his academic level. Congratulations, Brianne!
November 2013
Congratulations to Sean Butler for the successful defense of his Master's thesis. Congratulations, Sean!
April 2013
Congratulations to Sean Butler for receiving the CIHR Doctoral Award! This prestigious award provides recognition and 3 years of funding to doctoral students. Congratulations, Sean!
March 2013
Congratulations to Matthew Wakefield for receiving the Lorne M. Kendall Memorial Scholarship for his work on his honours thesis!
September 2012
Congratulations to Brianna Turner on receiving a Michael Smith Foreign Study Award! Brianna will be doing a research exchange at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium to conduct research on non-suicidal self-injury and eating disorders. Congratulations, Brianna!
August 2012
Congratulations to Natalie Harrison for winning first place in the American Psychology-Law Society Best Undergraduate Paper Award competition! This paper was based on Natalie's honours thesis with Dr. Ron Roesch, and is titled "Patients with mental Health Emergencies in the Emergency Department: The Effect of Coercion on Patients' Experiences". Natalie is currently attending the University of Alabama to pursue graduate work in clinical psychology, where she will be working with MHLPI member and UA professor Randy Salekin. Congratulations, Natalie!
July 2012
Congratulations to Dr. Katherine Dixon-Gordon on receiving the APA Division 18 – VA Section Outstanding Trainee Award! Division 18 is the Division of Psychologists in Public Service. This award is basically a national award for psychology trainees within VA. Dr. Dixon-Gordon completed her dissertation under the supervision of Dr. Chapman in 2011, and is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) under the supervision of Dr. Kim Gratz. Dr. Dixon-Gordon was also awarded the VA Doctor's Day House Staff Honorable Mention Award at UMMC. This marks the first time that a psychology resident has received this award. Congratulations, Katherine!
June 2012
Congratulations to Brianne Layden on receiving the CIHR Doctoral Award! This prestigious award provides recognition and 3 years of funding to doctoral students. Congratulations, Brianne!