Dr. Yuthika Girme receives the 2024 FASS Research Excellence Award

August 21, 2024

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) is proud to announce the inaugural recipients of the newly created Research Excellence Awards. Dr. Yuthika Girme is among the four award recipients who will be formally recognized at the FASS Fall Reception in October. Congratulations Dr. Girme!

Recognizing established and early career researchers in the humanities and social sciences respectively, the awards underscores FASS's commitment to celebrating its researchers at every stage of their career journey. 

As director of the Singlegood Experiences and Complexities Underlying Relationships (SECURE) Lab, Yuthika Girme and her team study factors in romantic relationships and singlehood that contribute to well-being, with a specific focus on peoples' attachment insecurities, social support networks, experiences of stigma and discrimination and other complexities of social relationships. She hosts an educational podcast called Merlot with my Beau, which focuses on the complexities associated with singlehood experiences, close relationship dynamics, and personality traits. 

Girme has also received recognition for her work as an educator, having received the SFU Excellence in Teaching Award, the FASS Cormack Teaching Award, and the Barry Beyerstein award for Excellence in Teaching. She is the recipient of a number of early career research awards, including the Society of Experimental and Social Psychology (SESP) Dissertation Award, Association of Psychological Science (APS) Rising Star Award, and the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Caryl Rusbult Early Career Award. 
