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  • Professor Emeritus Ron Roesch receives the 2025 AAFP Distinguished Contribution to Forensic Psychology Award

Professor Emeritus Ron Roesch Receives the 2025 AAFP Distinguished Contribution to Forensic Psychology Award

November 25, 2024

Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Ron Roesch on receiving the 2025 AAFP Distinguished Contribution to Forensic Psychology Award!

The Distinguished Contribution to Forensic Psychology is granted annually, at the discretion of the Executive Committee of the American Academy of Forensic Psychology. He has been invited to present an address at the AAFP Annual Meeting in August 2025.

Professor Emeritus Ron Roesch received his PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Illinois in 1977 and began a 46-year career at SFU until his retirement in 2023. During his tenure at SFU, he was Founding Director of the Criminology Research Centre; Director of Clinical Training; Director of the Law and Forensic Psychology Graduate Program; and Founding Director of the Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute.

He is a past-president of the American Psychology-Law Society and the International Association of Forensic Mental Health. He has served as Editor-in-Chief of Psychology, Public Policy, and LawInternational Journal of Forensic Mental Health; and Law and Human Behavior. His research focuses on mental health assessment and interventions in the criminal and juvenile justice systems. 

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Roesch on this incredible achievement!
