Law & Forensic Psychology


The Program in Law and Forensic Psychology at Simon Fraser University offers experimental or clinical students unique research and applied experiences in the growing field of law and psychology.  Students in both the Experimental Psychology and Law Stream and the Clinical-Forensic Stream enter the graduate training program in the psychology department through the normal procedures for the experimental and clinical training programs, respectively.  In addition to the basic department requirements, students will enhance their experimental or clinical training by completing the requirements of the Clinical-Forensic or the Psychology and Law concentration, respectively.  Students will be able to tailor the resources available through their respective concentrations to suit their intellectual and practical needs on an individual basis.

Although related in scope, course work, and other requirements, the concentrations of the two streams are quite different.  Students in the Experimental Psychology and Law Stream will develop research and applied policy skills in law and forensic psychology.  By contrast, the Clinical-Forensic Stream prepares those in clinical psychology with research and clinical skills unique to the forensic arena.  Due to the overlap of the two areas, students in both streams will take many of the same courses and will develop similar research skills; however, students in the Clinical-Forensic Stream will further develop their clinical training to include forensic training and practice experience.

See also: Law & Forensic Psychology Related Links

See also: Mental Health, Law, and Policy

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