- About
- People
- Thanos Angelopoulos
- Victoria Basualdo
- Stefan Berger
- Pratima Bhatta
- Slade Barret Brown
- Gábor Egry
- Alvin Finkel
- Paulo Fontes
- Irakli Iremadze
- Mark Leier
- Asad Mehmood
- Marliese Mendel
- Sumeet Mhaskar
- Dhiraj Kumar Nite
- Eleocadio Martínez Silva
- Mary Anne Trasciatti
- Constanze von Wrangel
- Manfred Wannöffel
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum Seminar Participants
- Organizations
- Alberta Labour History Institute
- Archive of Social Democracy (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
- Archives of Political History and the Trade Unions
- La Asociación Mexicana de Estudios del Trabajo, A.C. (AMET)
- Association of Indian Labour Historians
- Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB)
- BC General Employees Union (BCGEU)
- Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU-K)
- Centre of Cooperation - RUB/IGM
- General Agricultural Workers Union of Ghana (GAWU-TUC)
- Hans-Böckler Foundation
- International Association of Labour History Institutions
- Institute for Social Movements at Ruhr University, Bochum
- Laboratório de Estudos de História dos Mundos do Trabalho (LEHMT)
- Pakistan Workers Federation (PWF)
- Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition
- Simon Fraser University (SFU)
- UCLA Institute for Research on Labor and Employment
- Union of Professional Health and Care Sector Workers in Nepal (UNIPHIN)
- Countries
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Texts can be accessed online through an institution or purchased as hard copies.
Key introductory texts
Academic Journals
- International Labor and Working-Class History
- Social Movement Studies: journal of social, cultural and political protest
- Reihe “Soziale Bewegung und Protest“ (tr. Publication series "Social Movement and Protest". German.)
- Mobilization: The International Quarterly Review of Social Movement Research
- Labour: journal of Canadian labour studies (Le travail: revue d'études ouvrières Canadiennes), published by the Canadian Committee on Labour History
- Labour History: a journal of labour and social history, publ. by the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, ASSLH:
- North West Labour History: journal of the North West Labour History Group
- Revlatt: Revista Latinoamericana de Trabajo y Trabajadores (scholary publication devoted to the history of labour)
- Labor (Studies in Working-Class History), Duke University Press: official journal for the Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA)
- Labor History: publishes historical studies on labor worldwide, examining issues such as capitalism, labor rights, unionization, collective bargaining and occupational safety
Texts on the History of Remembrance
- Berger, S., Jäger, W., & Teichmann, U. (ed.) (2022). Gewerkschaften im Gedächtnis der Demokratie: Welche Rolle spielen soziale Kämpfe in der Erinnerungskultur.
- Berger, S. (ed.) (2015). Gewerkschaftsgeschichte als Erinnerungsgeschichte, May 2, 1933 in der gewerkschaftlichen Erinnerung und Positionierung.
- Mittag, J., & Berthold, U. (2011). Arbeiter - und soziale Bewegungen in der öffentlichen Erinnerung: Eine globale Perspektive
- Hoffmann, R., & Seideneck, P. (ed.) (2023). Der lange Weg zur Demokratie: Von Berlin über Budapest und Danzig
Texts on the history of labour and social movements
- Hippler, J. & Dayo, A. (2021). Mapping Labour Unions in Pakistan. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Pakistan Office.
- Deppe, F., Fülberth, G., & Harrer, J. (ed.) (1977). Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung.
- Hemmer, H. O., & Schmitz, K. T. (ed.) (1990). Geschichte der Gewerkschaften in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Von den Anfängen bis heute.
- Klönne, A., & Reese, H. (1984). Die deutsche Gewerkschaftsbewegung: Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart.
- Klönne, A. (2003). Fluchtpunkte: Das soziale Gedächtnis der Arbeiterbewegung.
- Meyer, H. W., & Richert, J. (1991). Schriftenreihe des DGB-Bildungswerkes: Gewerkschaften in Deutschland.
- Meyer, T., Miller, S., & Rohlfes, J. (ed.) (1988). Lern- und Arbeitsbuch deutsche Arbeiterbewegung: Darstellung, Chroniken, Dokumente.
- Schneider, M. (2000). Kleine Entwicklung der Gewerkschaften: Ihre Entwickung in Deutschland von den Anfängen bis heute.
- Schönhoven, K. (1989). Die deutschen Gewerkschaften: Ihre Entwicklung in Deutschland von den Anfängen bis heute.
- Ashwin, Sarah, and Simon Clarke. Russian Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Transition (2002).
- Bisjukow, Pjotr, and Oksana Grischko. "Trade Unions in Russia Today" in Trade Unions in Russia (2008).
- Trade Unions in Russia Today: Understanding from History. With a foreword by Berthold Huber and Hubertus Schmoldt. 1st edition (2008).
- Meissner, Boris. Rußland im Umbruch - Der Wandel in der Herrschaftsordnung und sozialen Struktur der Sowjetunion (1951).
- Schneider, Eberhard. "Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus: Results of a Research Trip: Part II: Fields of action, alliance capacity, inter- national contacts." Osteuropa, vol. 43, no. 5 (1993): 473-480.
South Africa
- Baskin, Jeremy. (1991). Striking Back: A History of Cosatu.
- Bley, Helmut. (2021). 13 Trade Unions in South Africa: Historical Burdens.
- Croucher, Richard; Wood, Geoffrey. (2017). "Union renewal in perspective," Work, Employment and Society 31.
- Loderer, Eugen. (1983). Metal trade unions in South Africa
- Müller, Melanie. (2014). South Africa on the move.
- Puschra, Werner. (2014). Black Trade Unions in South Africa
- Schmidt, Siegmar. (1992). The role of black trade unions in the democratisation democratisation process in South Africa, Institut für Africa Studies.