- About
- People
- Thanos Angelopoulos
- Victoria Basualdo
- Stefan Berger
- Pratima Bhatta
- Slade Barret Brown
- Gábor Egry
- Alvin Finkel
- Paulo Fontes
- Irakli Iremadze
- Mark Leier
- Asad Mehmood
- Marliese Mendel
- Sumeet Mhaskar
- Dhiraj Kumar Nite
- Eleocadio Martínez Silva
- Mary Anne Trasciatti
- Constanze von Wrangel
- Manfred Wannöffel
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum Seminar Participants
- Organizations
- Alberta Labour History Institute
- Archive of Social Democracy (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
- Archives of Political History and the Trade Unions
- La Asociación Mexicana de Estudios del Trabajo, A.C. (AMET)
- Association of Indian Labour Historians
- Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB)
- BC General Employees Union (BCGEU)
- Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU-K)
- Centre of Cooperation - RUB/IGM
- General Agricultural Workers Union of Ghana (GAWU-TUC)
- Hans-Böckler Foundation
- International Association of Labour History Institutions
- Institute for Social Movements at Ruhr University, Bochum
- Laboratório de Estudos de História dos Mundos do Trabalho (LEHMT)
- Pakistan Workers Federation (PWF)
- Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition
- Simon Fraser University (SFU)
- UCLA Institute for Research on Labor and Employment
- Union of Professional Health and Care Sector Workers in Nepal (UNIPHIN)
- Countries
- People
- Projects
- Issues and Themes
- Blog
- Resources
- Contact
Some issues in Canada regarding labour commemoriation include the provincial versus federal histories of trade unions and labour, as well as race and intersectionality with labour.
Federal and Provincial Labour Histories
As the second-largest country in the world, Canada's labour history can be understood at the provincial level and/or the federal level: which events in labour history are provincially distinct, and which are remembered Canada-wide?
Crossing the Country
How are we commemorating moments of trans-Canada worker mobility? Here, juxtaposing Catch the Westbound Train and the BC Labour Heritage On to Ottawa Trek virtual tour.
Race and Labour
How are Canadian commemorative efforts addressing the role the labour movement has played in anti-immigrant rhetoric? Here, the 360 Riotwalk Virtual Tour regarding the 1907 riots in Vancouver, British Columbia.
How does Canada commemorate workers of colour, especially those who have been marginalized from unions?
Derailed: The History of Black Railway Porters in Canada by Myseum of Toronto
Temporary Foreign Workers
The Alberta Labour History Institute (Canada), in partnership with Migrante Alberta, have raised awareness of the injustices faced by temporary foreign workers who experience unsafe and illegal conditions in Canada's meat-packing industry. Their campaigns highlighted how temporary foreign workers in the health care industry experienced unequal access to health care and government benefits while they worked to protect Canadians from the worst impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Maria Dunn's song, "Essential", draws attention to both the strength and vulnerability of temporary foreign workers.
Dunn's song also relates to Guthrie's song, "Deportee". "Deportee" is about Mexican farmworkers killed in a plane crash en route between the U.S. and Mexico; the American media simply labelled them as "deportees", with no further details.
Both songs highlight the family connections of the workers, yet their disposability to their employers and the state.
Commemorating Union Formation
What are the issues involved in commemorating specific unions? What's the relationship between the union and the historian?
Future directions
Areas of future and further research: considering Indigenous labour in residential schools from a labour history perspective.