Thanos Angelopoulos


I was born in Athens, Greece, and since 2010 I have studied history at the University of Crete. Since 2016, I have worked in several research programs at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies and the Institute for Technology and Research. Since 2023, I am a Ph.D. student in Global History and Governance, Scuola Superiore Meridionale (Naples) and since 2015 have been a member of students' and researchers’ unions in Greece.

Research Interests

Thinking of history as a critical social science, my main interest is in the history of the Greek and European labour and socialist movements as the outcome of class struggles, as well as the participation of these movements in ideological struggles. Thus, in my Ph.D., I examine the ways through which the major European labour movements studied and used the practical and the historical past in order to challenge the nationalization process that took place at the turn from the nineteenth to the twentieth century.