Mary Anne Trasciatti


Mary Anne Trasciatti, the daughter and granddaughter of garment workers and coal miners, is Director of Labor Studies at Hofstra University and president of Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition. For over a decade, she has helped organize the annual official Triangle fire commemoration and has led the project to build the Triangle Fire Memorial, dedicated on October 11, 2023. It is the first labour memorial and one of only a handful of monuments to women in New York City.

Talks and Publications

She is co-editor (with Edvige Giunta) of Talking to the Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (2022) and (with Robert Forrant) Where Are the Workers?: Labor’s Stories at Museums and Historical Sites (2022). She is finishing a book on the civil liberties activism of Irish American labor organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, to be published by Rutgers University Press.