Collective Action in Nepal

Nepal has a history of general strikes and workers' protests organized by trade unions to demand better working conditions, higher wages, and improved labour laws. These events often involve the active participation of workers from various sectors and are organized to draw attention to labour-related issues. The dates of such strikes and protests can vary from year to year based on the specific issues at hand.

Jana Andolan (People's Movement) of 1990

April 1990 

Jana Andolan, also known as the People's Movement, was a series of pro-democracy protests that took place in April 1990. While the movement was not exclusively focused on labour issues, it had a profound impact on the political landscape of Nepal. The protests led to the end of the absolute monarchy and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, opening up space for greater political freedoms and workers' rights. 

Collective Action: the Nepal Teachers' Federation

Another recent major labour event in Nepal on September 22, 2023, involves a pivotal agreement between the Nepal Teachers’ Federation and the government, marking a significant episode in the country's labor history. Triggered by protests against the School Education Bill, the agreement addresses teachers' concerns and commits the government to revising the bill through parliamentary processes. Noteworthy provisions include the incorporation of teachers' demands into the school education law, prioritizing public school teachers based on ranks, and establishing an expert committee for bill revision. This event exemplifies the impactful use of collective action and negotiation to secure labour rights and influence legislative changes in Nepal.