MSE Mechatronic Machining and Testing Centre (MMTC) Training Courses

SFU Mechatronic Systems Engineering is strongly focused on hands-on skills. Using our MMTC facility, students acquire a deep foundation of practical expertise to add proven real-world knowledge to their education. We offer the following three training courses in our MMTC facility.


In-class safety training

  • All students (undergraduate, graduate, and teaching assistants) must attend and pass in-class safety training before participating in any short courses and gaining access to the Mechatronic Machining and Testing Center (MMTC).

Machining course

  • All students are required to complete a short course to familiarize themselves with our machines and tools. Access to specific machine tools will be granted exclusively to students who have successfully completed the corresponding courses.

Working alone policy

  • Working Alone:  Students are NOT allowed to work alone in the MMTC. A technician or other designated skilled person must be present when students are working in the space.
  • Supervision During Activities: Student activities must be supervised at all times.  Students must vacate the premises if the supervisor is on break or attending to other duties.
  • Closure Policy: The space will be closed if the supervisor is absent or on leave.
  • Access Limitations: Student access is available until 4:30 p.m. only; after-hours and weekend access are not permitted.  

Work Ethics Policy

  • Maintenance Responsibility: Students are required to clean and tidy machines, tools, and workspaces before leaving. Failure to do so may result in janitorial charges.
  • No Food or Drink: Consumption of food or drink is strictly prohibited in the workshop area.
  • Electronic Devices: Use of cellphones and other communication and electronic devices is not permitted while in the workshop.
  • Jewelry:   For safety reasons, including the risk of entanglement with machinery, rings and watches are not permitted in the shop area.