Post-Secondary Transfer Students

If you are currently at another post-secondary institution (college or university) and you intend on transferring to SFU, please follow the steps indicated below.


Know the deadlines

Make sure you don't miss out on any important deadlines.


Review admission requirements

There are different requirements to be aware of depending on what type of student you are. Ensure you meet SFU's general requirements and program-specific requirements.


Provide the correct documents

Ensure you are providing admissions with the correct transcripts and/or supporting documents to complete your application.


Apply to SFU

Once you've reviewed all the information and compiled the necessary documents, you can begin applying to SFU. You can start, save and submit your application via BC EducationPlanner.

After Admission Offer

If you are given an offer of admission and choose to accept, please ensure you complete the following steps before your enrollment appointment of your first term at SFU:
  1. Review your transferred credits (via goFU or advising transcripts)
  2. Connect with a FAS Advisor to discuss your future course enrollments / plans