Sustainable Energy Engineering Graduates

Sustainable Energy Engineering - Technology for Social Good


The School of Sustainable Energy Engineering offers a variety of graduate level programs including: Master of Applied Science (MASc), Master of Engineering (MEng), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Below are the requirements of each program. Students may also review the SFU Calendar for a detailed listing of degree requirements.

Program Requirements

View list of requirements for your degree below.

Master of Appplied Sciences

To earn your MASc degree, you will need to complete a set of requirements and courses. Our program is designed to provide you with a strong foundation in sustainable energy engineering, while also allowing you to tailor your studies to your interests and career goals.


SEE 810 Sustainability and Sustainable Energy Technologies (3)
SEE 811 Technical Communication Skills (3)
SEE 896 MASc Research Seminar (0) - you must enroll in this course every term
SEE 898  MASc Thesis (18) - you must enroll enroll in this course every term

Complete at least two of the following courses, with a minimum of one SEE course:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

To earn your PhD degree, you will need to complete a set of requirements and courses. Our program is designed to provide you with a strong foundation in sustainable energy engineering, while also allowing you to tailor your studies to your interests and career goals.

The PhD program in SEE consists of course work and a thesis for a minimum of 27 units. If you lack the necessary background knowledge, you may be asked by your supervisor or supervisory committee to complete additional courses beyond the program requirements in order to broaden your preparation for undertaking thesis work. You are expected to complete the program requirements within 4–5 years.

Required Courses

SEE 811 Technical Communication Skills (3)
SEE 890 PhD Qualifying Exam (0) - you must enroll in this course the term you take the qualifying exam; please contact to enroll
SEE 897 PhD Research Seminar (0) - you must enroll in this course every term
SEE 899 PhD Thesis (18) - you must enroll in this course every term after your pass your PhD qualifying exam

You must also complete a minimum of six units of graduate course work selected in consultation with your supervisor.




Master of Engineering in Sustainable Energy

This program of a set of mandatory courses (19 units), elective courses (minimum 8 units), and a team-based integrated project (6 units, taken over two consecutive terms). Students who lack the necessary background knowledge may, at the discretion of the program chair, be asked to complete additional courses to ensure an adequate breadth of knowledge to successfully complete the full program requirements.

 Please note: 

  • SEE courses are offered at the SFU Surrey campus
  • BUS 790/791 are 1/2 term courses offered sequentially within the fall semester at the SFU Vancouver (downtown) campus
  • REM 658 is offered on SFU Burnaby campus
  • SEE Graduate technical elective can be taken in any term depending on student interest
  • SEE 798 is a two-term intensive applied project course that is expected to take most of the student's time in those two terms.

Required Courses

SEE 773 (Sustainable Energy Policy)
SEE 771 (Sustainable Energy Systems 1)
BUS 790 (Lab to Market)
BUS 791 (Opportunity Identification and Assessment)
SEE 770 (Water, Energy, Food Nexus)
SEE 772 (Sustainable Energy Systems 2)
REM 658 (Energy and Materials Systems Modelling)
SEE 798 (MEng Capstone Design)
SEE Graduate Technical Elective
SEE 798 (MEng Capstone Design)

Special Topics Courses

*Examples of recent offerings of SEE Special Topics courses include: