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School of Sustainable Energy Engineering
SEE students showcase their sustainable innovations
How can we raise awareness about environmental issues amongst our youth? For their cornerstone project, students from this year’s SEE 111: Integrated Energy Solution I course were challenged to create an innovative device that could be used to teach Grade 7 students about sustainable energy engineering.
From designing a sun-tracking solar panel to constructing an indoor gardening system, students explored several solutions to educate the younger generation on the importance of sustainability and built physical prototypes to demonstrate their concepts.
Taught by SEE lecturer Molly McVey during the spring 2023 semester, SEE 111 introduces students to sustainable engineering design by providing them with an overview of the role of energy, resources and technology in society. The final project requires students to put their knowledge to the test and present a sustainable solution to a given challenge. Learn more about this year's projects below.
Hydroelectricity Education
Team members: Adrienne, Calla, Landon, Nolan and Prashant
This project focuses on sustainable energy generation. As hydroelectricity is the leading source of sustainable power in B.C., the team wanted to develop a prototype to help educate students on the significance of producing energy through hydropower. They used a tank of water and gravitational force to make a water turbine spin which generated electricity.
Wave Energy Generation
Team members: James, Andrew, Ryan and Jimena
This project aims to develop a mechanical system that converts wave motion into electrical energy. The linear motion of the waves moves a magnet inside a solenoid to generate power. The goal of this project is to demonstrate the various types of natural resources that are capable of generating clean energy.
Hydroponic Solution for All
Team members: Avry, Esther, Gripen, Quin and Relena
The team developed a system for in-door gardening that allows individuals to grow food in their own home. This project strives to bring awareness to the impact of agriculture and deforestation as well as decentralize global systems.
Ultrasonic Acoustic Wave Filtering
Team members: Mark, Matthew, Yayha, Sofia and Alexander
This project aims to tackle concerns regarding microplastic in our environment. The team created an apparatus that can collect and filter microplastics from the ocean by using sound waves.
Steps for Sustainability: Piezoelectric Platform
Team members: Gavin, Aidan, Mahdi, Jacob and Paul
This project focuses on the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy. By stepping on the platform, the crystalline materials used in the prototype are deformed which produces an electrical voltage. The project aims to help reduce the reliance on fossil fuels.
Chargeable Crank Flashlight
Team members: Ahmed, Delraj, Ella, Rawad and Tavleen
The team developed a rechargeable flashlight that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. By turning a hand crank, energy is produced and stored in a capacitor which recharges the light’s battery.
Sun Tracking Solar Panel
Team members: Jaiden, James, Omar and Sam
This project aims to convert sunlight into electrical energy through the photovoltaic effect. By using photoresistors to analyze light intensity and a duo access rotation panel, the solar panels have the ability to move toward the best source of light.
In-Pipe Hydroelectric Generator
Team members: Aisha, Cameron, Clover, Kaidin and Sonia
This project focuses on producing hydropower through the flow of water. Gravitational force can increase the velocity of water in pipelines in order to spin the turbines used to produce electricity.
Water Quality Sensor
Team members: Claudia, Ana, Kabir, Vedder and Justin
This project aims to improve the accessibility of clean drinking water around the world. As current methods are complex and expensive, this portable device aims to simplify water purity testing by assessing the pH and temperature of water.