SFU’s Faculty of Applied Sciences is for those who see problems as opportunities and are ready to learn new skills to make a positive impact on the global community.
Join us and become an innovation leader.


Be the Next Generation of Leaders in Technology and Engineering
in Canada for Innovation
were employed two
years after graduation
In Canada for Artificial Intelligence
and Computer Vision
Why Choose FAS?
"SFU’s reputation as a research-orientated university, combined with the academic rigor the applied science programs are known for, made SFU the only choice for me. I knew I could gain the skills I needed for my future career through these programs! I was particularly drawn to the programs at the Surrey campus, which are cutting edge and incredibly relevant to tomorrow’s job market.”
- Elliott, Machatronic Systems Engineering (MSE)

Our Schools
The Faculty of Applied Sciences is home to the Schools of Computing Science, Engineering Science, Mechatronic Systems Engineering, and Sustainable Energy Engineering. Through our blended hands-on and theoretical programming, we are shaping tomorrow’s technology leaders.
Learn about our Schools and the experience you will have when you join one.
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