What’s Old and New in the IGU?
Organizers: Ronald F. Abler, The Pennsylvania State University, rabler@aag.org and Dietrich Soyez, University of Cologne, d.soyez@uni.koeln.de
The goal of this session is to provide information to individuals unfamiliar with, but who may be interested in the International Geographical Union.
In the first half of the session, the organizers will present a brief historical background of today’s IGU, a comprehensive overview of current IGU operations and the opportunities they offer for participation by Canadian scholars and professionals, and current IGU priorities for the future, focused on making the IGU a truly global organization of the world’s geographers.
During the second half of the session the organizers will invite comments from individuals who have participated in the IGU and respond to questions posed by audience members, particularly regarding the forthcoming IGU Regional Conference scheduled for 6-10 August 2018 in Quebec City.