
Distribution of All Unidentifed Sightings:

Over the course of four field seasons, a total of 53 sighting could not be identified. Most (98%) could be identified as delphinids, while only one sighting was simply identified as a unknown cetacean. Sightings with no identification are a result of distance, sea state, or dedication to reseach priorities. Figure 12, below, identifies the location and distribution of all unidentified sightings across all four field seasons.

For distributions for other species, click on species of interest: sperm whale , pantropical spotted dolphin , Fraser's dolphin, bottlenose dolphin, false killer whale, humpback whale, short-finned pilot whale, melon-headed whale, Cuvier's beaked whale, striped dolphin, rough-toothed dolphin , Atlantic spotted dolphin, and Gervais' beaked whale.

Figure 12 - Sightings of all unidentified sightings 2005-2008

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