French and Education Certificate

This program prepares students, who possess diverse qualifications and background, before they enter the French professional development program, or during their career as French teachers. The program helps students to reach a higher standard of French language proficiency and provides them with a focused and cohesive understanding of foundational perspectives and expertise in theoretical and methodological aspects of second language teaching, and principles of language learning, contextualized in the minority context of French training in British Columbia.


Designed For

Students looking to hone their French language proficiency in order to apply to our French Teacher Education programs to become a French K-12 teacher, or working French educators.

Program Structure

Units earned in the French and Education Certificate may be applied to a major or a minor program, should the student wish to pursue those later. However, units that are used for credit toward a certificate may not be applied to another Simon Fraser University certificate or diploma program. Students may apply for relevant transfer credit to a maximum of nine units in French, and six units in education for this certificate.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must meet the normal Simon Fraser University admission requirements. Admission approval must also be obtained from the Department of French.



Students complete 23 units, including all of:

* students who have credit for either FREN 230 or 240 are not required to complete FREN 245


Students complete a minimum of nine units, including two courses chosen from:

And one course chosen from:


For questions about the French and Education certificate, contact the advisor below: