- Future Students
- Current Students
- Programs
- Programs of Study
- Undergraduate Studies
- Bachelor of General Studies
- Bachelor of Education as a Second Degree
- Minors
- Counselling and Human Development Minor
- Curriculum and Instruction Minor
- Early Learning Minor
- Educational Psychology Minor
- Learning and Developmental Disabilities Minor
- Social Justice in Education Minor
- Elementary Generalist Minor
- Environmental Education Minor
- French Education Minor
- Physical and Health Education Minor
- Secondary Mathematics Education Minor
- Secondary Teaching Minor
- Certificates
- Courses
- Teacher Education
- Professional Diplomas
- Graduate Studies
- Masters Programs
- MA, MEd in Arts Education
- MA, MEd in Counselling Psychology
- MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Children’s and Young Adult Literature
- MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Contemplative Inquiry & Approaches in Education
- MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Ecological Education
- MA, MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Educational Theory and Practice
- M.Éd. dans Curriculum & Instruction: Enseigner et apprendre en français: plurilinguismes, francophonies et éducation
- MA, MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Equity Studies in Education
- MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Imagination in Teaching, Schooling and Place
- MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Innovations in Mathematics Education
- MA, MEd dans Curriculum & Instruction: l'éducation en français en contextes de diversité (campus de SFU)
- MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Place- and Nature-Based Experiential Learning
- MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Post-Secondary (VCC)
- MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Science Education and Communication
- MEd in Educational Leadership: Post-Secondary (Surrey)
- MEd in Educational Leadership: Imaginative K-12 Leadership
- MEd in Educational Practice
- MEd in Educational Practice: Indigenous Pedagogy and Indigenous Inquiry
- MEd in Educational Practice: Practitioner Inquiry
- MA, MEd in Educational Psychology
- MEd in Teaching Languages in Global Contexts
- MA, MEd in Educational Technology & Learning Design
- MSc, MEd in Secondary Mathematics Education
- MA, MEd in Teaching English as an Additional Language
- Doctoral Programs
- EdD in Educational Leadership: Leading for Educational Change in the Yukon
- PhD in Arts Education
- PhD in Educational Psychology
- PhD in Educational Technology & Learning Design
- PhD in Educational Theory and Practice: Curriculum and Pedagogy Stream
- PhD in Educational Theory and Practice: Philosophy of Education Stream
- PhD in Languages, Cultures and Literacies
- PhD en langues, cultures et littératies (en français)
- PhD in Mathematics Education
- Areas of Study
- Program Comparision
- Masters Programs
- Programs in French
- Faculty & Research
- Indigeneity
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- About
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Taux d’acceptation
Processus d’évaluation
Liste d’attente, appels et reports
Si vous avez des questions sur le PDP et le module français qui ne sont pas abordées sur notre site web, contactez-nous.
Bureau des admissions du PDP - service offert en anglais et en français:
Courriel: pps_admissions@sfu.ca
Téléphone: 778-782-3559
Obtenez de l’aide pour votre candidature et rencontrez un membre de l’équipe des admissions lors de nos heures d’ouverture virtuelles: tous les mercredis de 15h00 à 16h00 (HNP) – service offert en anglais seulement.
Connectez-vous sur Zoom:
Meeting ID: 660 0788 5834
Mot de passe: 833520
Horaire régulier: Mercredi, 15h00 à 16h00 (HNP)
Pour les questions relatives à la certification DELF-DALF, aux bourses et prix pour les études en français, au soutien linguistique et à la vie étudiante en français, veuillez contacter le Bureau des affaires francophones et francophiles de SFU. Service disponible en français et en anglais.
Courriel: educprog@sfu.ca
Téléphone: 778-782-7646