Graduate Studies Financial Resources

Various forms of financial assistance are available for graduate students in Education. Admission to SFU does not imply financial support. As a consequence of not being able to guarantee funding for all graduate students, the Faculty of Education stresses to all applicants, and particularly those from overseas, that they are responsible for supporting their graduate study at this institution for a minimum of two years and funding should be arranged before arriving in Canada.

Indigenous Students

  • Financial Aid for Indigenous Students
  • SAGE: Interdisciplinary and cross-institutional peer mentoring program designed to support Aboriginal graduate students with the successful transition into and completion of their graduate programs.
  • New Relationship Trust Award: Offering $10k (Master's) and $20k (Doctoral) scholarships for Indigenous students.

Travel & Research


Many work, research, and bursary opportunities exist for SFU Graduate students.


Be a teaching instructor, tutor marker, or sessional instructor. Sessional Instructor, Teaching Assistantship (TA) or Tutor Marker (TM) positions are posted on the Faculty of Education, Work With Us page as vacancies come available.

Job Postings

You can find job postings on several SFU related pages, such as:

Research Positions

Many faculty members are able to offer Research Assistantships to graduate students studying under their supervision. The level of support varies depending on the field of study and the availability of research grant funds. Apply to faculty members directly and add your cv and information to our Faculty of Education Research Assistant profiles.

Needs-Based Awards, Bursaries and Loans

Learn more about Needs-based awards and loans, SFU Bursaries and Loans, and Emergency Loans and Bursaries at the SFU's Financial Aid and Awards office website. Students in critical financial need due to unforeseen circumstances may be eligible for emergency loans or bursaries.

For further information email Financial Assistance in Student Services,

Additional Resources

  • Student line-of-credit financing program: Check with your financial institution to find out what student financing options are available
  • RRSP withdrawals: The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) allows withdrawals from a Registered Retirement Savings Plan to finance training or education. To learn more about this option, obtain the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) guide from CRA.
  • Financial Sponsorship: Some of our current students are financially sponsored, in full or in part, by their employers. We encourage you to duscuss financial support with your organization.
  • Tuition Fee Credits: If you are a B.C. teacher and you are mentoring an SFU student-teacher as a School Associate, you may qualify for Tuition Fee Credits.


Financial Aid and Awards provides drop-in advising meetings on Zoom are meant to provide quick, timely responses for prospective and current students, including SFU alumni. These meetings are expected to be between 5-10 minutes in length.

Hours of operation:

Monday – Friday: 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

Launch Zoom meeting

Troubles connecting with Zoom? Refer to this "how to" guide.

Book an Appointment

We offer 30-minute, in-person and virtual advising appointments with an Advisor. Appointments must be booked 24 hours in advance. Please submit an email request to meet with a Financial Aid and Awards Advisor. 

Request an appointment

Phone Advising

Hours of operation

Monday – Friday: 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Advisors are not available between 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Phone: 778.782.6930