
AI Device and Government Investment to Enhance Lives of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

June 07, 2024

In a significant stride towards enhancing the lives of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, Dr. Elina Birmingham and her team are pioneering innovative solutions supported by  The Kids Brain Health Network (KBHN). Recently, KBHN received a substantial government investment of up to $17 million to advance its transformative research.  

During a recent visit by Minister Terry Beech, Dr. Birmingham and her colleague, Dr. Siamak Arzanpour from the Autism in Education Lab (AEL), showcased their groundbreaking work on a wearable device equipped with AI software. This device is designed to help children with decreased sound tolerance by filtering out overwhelming loud noises, thus enabling them to engage more fully in daily activities. 

Reflecting on the impact of this investment, Dr. Birmingham shared, "My team and I were thrilled to have met Minister Beech and showcased our technology, designed to improve children's comfort levels and social participation. It uses AI to detect and manage environmental sounds that normally trigger negative reactions in autistic children."

She added, "We look forward to continuing our relationship with KBHN and to all that the future has to offer.  The Strategic Science Fund (SSF) provides opportunities for currently funded projects such as ours to apply for additional funding to scale and spread our technology to families across Canada." 

Learn more about the research conducted by the Autism in Education Lab:
