
Fall 2022 Convocation: Smiles, Tears and Joy

October 12, 2022

Last week (October 6 & 7), over 1800 students across the university crossed the stage and graduated, making the transition from students to SFU Alumni, including many from the Faculty of Education! 

It was a beautiful, warm, sunny Friday afternoon by the AQ pond filled with smiles, cheers, and tears of joy as our new grads and their friends and loved ones celebrated at the Faculty of Education Convocation Celebration and reflected on their time at SFU.  

“Honestly, it’s weird to realize how it’s happened already! I’ve been looking forward to this moment for so long and now it’s finally here and I’ve walked it. It’s just the next step in my journey and it feels good.”

– Jose Lopez, Bachelor of General Studies in Education  

“It feels fantastic to have finally walked the stage after all this time. Very liberating!”  

– Alberto Cristoffanini, PDP Program, Bachelor’s in Education with Minor in Curriculum and Instruction

"I like to do something ‘stupid’ every time I walk the stage, so it was fun to do something. President Joy [Johnson] says she enjoyed my horse when I waved and walked across the stage with it, so it was a great moment.”

– Toluwalase Pauls, Master’s in Curriculum & Instruction: Health Education & Active Living

Everybody loves a good story, email us yours! Contact us anytime at  
