Srini Kambhampati


January 1980: Fresh off the boat from India!

and now:

March 2014: In my office in Tyler, Texas

When did you meet Thelma? 1980
In what capacity did you know Thelma? I was a graduate student
Where are you now? I am Chair, Department of Biology, The University of Texas at Tyler.
Wishes: Dear Dr. Finlayson,  HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY!! You are a remarkable woman and an inspiration. I will never forget the first day - a cold January 24, 1980 - I walked into the department, fresh from India. I was shown to your office to be advised on which courses to take that Spring semester. You calmly suggested that I take Plant Pathology (by Dr. Rahe) and Nematology (by Dr. Webster). Despite my nervousness about being a new country, speaking with you calmed and helped me.  Of course, as I was working with Dr. Mackauer for both my MPM and Ph.D. on aphid parasitoids, I had the pleasure of reading your many papers on the subject. Seeing you at the department everyday despite your “retirement” was truly inspiring to young students like myself. I will forever cherish my memories of SFU and you are a very big part of that experience. Thank you for being such an amazing woman!! You are one of a kind. I wish you many, many more happy years.