Finlayson Biodiversity Speakers

Established in 2014 in honour of Thelma Finlayson's 100th birthday, the Department of Biological Sciences dedicates one of its Seminar Series events each year to the Finlayson Biodiversity Speaker.  Invited speakers are recognised as leaders in the field of biodiversity.

March 25, 2014        Dr. Heather Proctor, University of Alberta

The Accidental Taxonomist: Necessity, Serendipity and the Roles of Taxonomy in Ecological and Evolutionary Research

November 5, 2014        Dr. Shahid Naeem, Columbia University

The multi-dimensional influence of biological diversity on ecosystem properties:  Examples from a forest and the birds of the Solomon Islands

November 25, 2015        Dr. Diane Srivastava, University of British Columbia

Contingency in ecology:  How simple processes can underlie complex patterns

October 25, 2017        Dr. Mark Vellend, University of Sherbrooke

The Trouble with Biodiversity

November 14, 2018        Dr. Robin Waples, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Genomics and conservation units: The genetic basis of adult migration timing in Pacific salmonids

November 18, 2020        Dr. Kai Chan, University of British Columbia

System Change for Sustainability: Relational values may unlock incentives, certification, regulations, and more

February 10, 2021        Dr. Tara Martin, University of British Columbia

Transforming ecological data into conservation decisions

March 9, 2022        Dr. Derek Tittensor, Dalhousie University

Marine ecosystems and biodiversity under climate change

November 30, 2022        Dr. Jessica Ware, American Museum of Natural History

Insect biodiversity:  dragonfly and damselfly evolutionary history

February 26, 2024        Dr. Elizabeth Clare, York University

A chance to measure life on land – the promise and challenge of airborne eDNA