Current Peer Leaders

Meet our Fall 2024 Peer Leaders: Chi, May and Moira


Hey everyone! My name is Chi (she/her) and I’m going into my third-year at SFU Communication with a Business Minor this Fall. I’m excited to be a source of help for your new academic journey! As for my own, I enjoy doing research work and essay writing throughout Communication courses. I have also had the opportunity to volunteer at CJSF, SFU’s radio station, as well as hosting Orientation day events.

When I’m not in the library, I spend my time drawing or watching films with a side of iced matcha lattes. I love getting to know new people, and if you have any film recommendations, I’d love to hear them out. I wish you all luck on your SFU journeys, and remember to have fun!


Hey everyone! My name is May and I'm thrilled to be one of your Peer Leaders this fall! I'll be going into my second year at SFU as an intended Communication major and Business minor, so I was quite recently just in your position (aka the wounds are still fresh). Don't hesitate to reach out for support, questions, or just to chat anytime throughout the year! 

One of my favourite parts of first year has been meeting new people and getting involved in everything university life has to offer--you can find me in Residence as a Community Advisor or at events and meetings for clubs like SFU Peak Frequency, Polyglots, and The Lyre! When I'm not running around campus or mindlessly scrolling to procrastinate my papers, I like to take photos, go thrifting, drink overpriced matcha lattes, and rewatch Studio Ghibli films. Pursuing Communication so far has been one of the best choices I've made for myself and I hope that your experience is similar! Some of my favourite courses in the program have been CMNS 120W, 202, and 253W for their contemporary approaches to course content and incorporation of multimedia work. (Plus, it helps that every professor in the faculty is like your cool aunt or uncle). 

As always, feel free to reach me through email, Instagram, Discord, Spotify, LinkedIn, Duolingo--you name it. Have a fantastic semester and I look forward to meeting you all! 


Hello! My name is Moira. I am a Criminology and Communication student, and I am eager to welcome you all to SFU! Having been a student since 2018, I've become very familiar with what SFU has to offer (including knowing the best spots on campus to take a quick nap in between classes, among other things). When I know that I'll be having a long day on campus, I spend some time de-stressing with my yarn and crochet needles with the SFU Knitting club! Within my 6 years here, I have taken advantage of SFU's career opportunities and other extra-curricular programs such as the Study Abroad program (which I highly recommend). 

Being a Communication student has genuinely been one of the highlights of my academic journey. I've taken a number fun and interesting classes where the work did not really feel like work at all. In CMNS 314, I learned about the cultural production of popular music, and for the final project, I was given creative freedom on how to present my analysis on a music artist, movement, or event, which I really appreciated because I got to explore my passion within an academic context. In CMNS 120, I got to connect with my peers and draw from their experiences to create a media project highlighting the SFU community. The School of Communication has provided me the channels to expand my network, grow my communication skills, and integrate my passions into the work I do. 

I'm excited to be your Peer Leader this Fall and am looking forward to connecting with you all. Best of luck on your first semester here!

Past Peer Leaders


Hi everybody! I’m Maya and I am a third-year communication student. Through my years of study, I’ve been given the opportunity to explore all sides that the School of Communication has to offer from courses to events. Outside of school, I love being in the comfort of my bed or sitting in a cafe. 

As a previous first-year student myself, coming into university can be very nerve-racking but once you get into a good routine you’ll be walking through the school like an expert. If you have questions, don’t be shy!

Have an amazing semester and good luck!


Hey everybody! My name's Melody and as a peer leader this Fall, I hope to be a friendly face you can approach for advice! I am starting my fourth year here at SFU as a Communication major with a minor in Print and Digital Publishing. As someone who has an interest in almost everything, I have also experimented with a number of fun, and not so fun, courses outside our faculty. I have gotten involved at the school through becoming a member of our student union, the CMNSU, completing a co-op term working at our School of Communication, as well as volunteering at SFU's radio station, CJSF. With these experiences under my belt, combined with the challenges of starting university during COVID times, I have lots of tips and tricks to share!

I love getting to know new people, so please reach out! I will give you all the information I can, or just be there to listen to rants. For now, my best piece of overall advice is don't be afraid to get involved and use resources! You'll make friends and gain amazing experiences. I wish you all good luck this semester, and on your journey through CMNS and SFU!


Hi everyone! I’m Sammy. I am currently a fourth-year Communication major and Publishing minor student. Throughout my academic journey, I like the co-op program where I obtained valuable experience that helped me to navigate and visualize what I want to do in the next few years. My ideal day starts with a good coffee or an iced matcha latte. When I have a lot of assignments, I normally procrastinate by lying on the bed and watching study vlogs.

I am also a Marketing Coordinator at CMNSU. To me, the first year is seen as a foundation and I know that students will face various difficulties and confusions. And Peer Leaders are here to help you, I would love to call myself your teammate/friend rather than a mentor because I believe we can always learn from each other. Please feel free to reach out and I hope you have a wonderful semester!


Hey, everyone! I'm Alan, and I'm going into my third year at SFU Communication this fall. I'm an exec with CMNSU, and the CMNS Faculty Rep for the SFSS. I hope I can be a resource everyone can access in the upcoming semester. Whether it's asking questions about courses, community involvement/clubs, or theories/concepts you have in your classes, I want to be a stable helping hand in the start of your SFU journey. Please feel free to reach out to me at with any questions you may have. I really do love the CMNS program we have here and am more than happy to help with anything!


Hello, hello! This is Pranjali. I will be a third-year student taking a Communications major and International Studies minor. In addition to my major, I have tried courses from almost every faculty, including Math, Business, English, Environment, and International Studies. I have also tried many of the combinations: joint major, minor, extended minor, etc. So if you are stuck, don't worry! Everything will soon look good. You will see me wearing various hats within the School of Communication and SFU in general. I am quite involved and hope to try everything SFU has to offer. Hence, I have a diverse experience and range of interests. I am excited to connect with you all and learn about you. I am very chatty, so if you find me running across campus (to find classrooms), feel free to chat and run with me haha! Looking forward to meeting, sharing experiences, and making some connections with y'all.


Hi friends! It’s your friendly neighbourhood communication student, Eden. This fall, I am in my third year at SFU’s School of Communication. I transferred from a university in England, where I spent my first year abroad, and now I’m back home in beautiful BC. What I enjoy most about studying Communications is gaining knowledge about the evolution of media and popular cultures and the theory of language in everyday communication, from sarcasm to gossip. I’m also a co-op student and have had the privilege to gain work experience within fields of personal interest. When I’m not studying, or up on campus, I’m either on the beach, hiking, dragging my friends out to get bubble tea or binging RuPaul’s Drag Race (my all-time favourite show). First-year can seem highly daunting, a whole new place with new faces, but a good note is that we’ve all been in the same boat, and we Peer Leaders are here to support you! So, if you have any questions, please reach out! More than happy to help or chat. Take care, and have a great semester!


Elaina is currently a fourth year Communication major and is pursuing a minor in Interactive Arts and Technology. Throughout Elaina’s years in Communication she has taken a wide range of courses but found that her passions lie in technology and design. Aside from her studies, Elaina has held three positions in Young Women in Business (YWiB SFU) where she is currently the co-president. She is also involved in the Kappa Beta Gamma International Sorority at SFU! She has even done two co-op semesters with SFU FCAT where she planned the FCAT Undergraduate Conference in 2021 and held the FCAT CMN8 workshops. You can catch Elaina on the weekend’s getting outside doing a local hike, finding new eats, going for a swim, and walking her dog Finn!


DING! WHOOSH! What's that? Is it a plane? A bird? No... it's just a biography about a CMNS Peer Leader. Hello! I am Jim and I am very excited to meet you! I am a 2nd year student majoring in Communication. I grew up around here (Coquitlam) and I can speak Mandarin, Taiwanese, a bit of French and... English (obviously!). I enjoy reading, anime and occasionally diving into rabbit holes on YouTube more than I'd like to admit. As a relatively new, but slightly seasoned student- I can understand the feelings and experience of what it was like being a student starting this chapter of our lives. I am with you and we're in this together! I'd be happy to help, share experiences- just give me a shout. 

I hope you have a wonderful experience. Remember: Don't be shy and say hi, if you catch me around!


Hi everyone! My name is Jane and I am a third-year CMNS student. Throughout my degree, I have taken a wide range of courses in areas such as business, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, and math. Eventually, I ended up pursuing a communication degree because it’s a very diverse field and I have especially enjoyed a lot of my media studies and technology-related classes. I am also currently in my first co-op work term where I am working with the school of communication here at SFU and creating a workshop to present to high schools to help students there gain a better understanding of what they can study in the communication program here. In my free time, I love spending time with my cats, watching movies, reading, and playing video games!


Hi everyone! I'm currently in my fifth year majoring in Communication with a minor in Business and a certificate in Liberal Arts. I've completed three co-op terms (two at SFU), and I also work for SFU as a Student Information Assistant. Fun fact: I'm in a fraternity called Alpha Kappa Psi. It's a co-ed, so it's not just for guys. In my free time I'm a huge fan of fitness. My two favourite things to do are kickboxing and weightlifting.


Hi everyone! I am a highly motivated international student with a Communication major and Interactive Arts and Technology minor. I am passionate about working with the community and dedicated to supporting fellow FCAT schoolmates. As a community engagement enthusiast, I volunteered as a Workshop Coordinator in the SFU TD Community Centre. I am also a Student Ambassador and Welcome Leader. I currently serve as a Community Engagement and Digital Communication Coordinator at the SFU Career and Volunteer Services. I am the Creative Coordinator at CMNSU, too!


Hi! My name is Cait! I am entering my fourth year of studying communication at SFU. I am also majoring in English. When I'm not studying, I'm reading, painting, and hiking. I also love animals. I look forward to meeting all of you!


Hi everyone! I am going into my fourth year at SFU with a Communication major and Publishing minor. I hope to concentrate in Public Relations, Special Events Marketing, or Media. I absolutely love the field of communications, as it is so diverve and dynamic. Throughout my undergrad I have participated in the co-op program, so I am excited to share my experiences with you. I wanted to become a Peer Mentor because I know how challenging it can be to navigate your first year. I would love to be a friendly face around campus to help make your undergrad experience great. Outside of school you can find me at the beach, shopping, or watching Netflix with my dog. I am also passionate about fitness, so I like to hike, golf, or go to the gym. I look forward to getting to know you!

Fun fact: I moved to BC ten years ago from Toronto. While I definitely love the buzz of the busy city, living in BC has made me fall in love with the beautiful landscape of mountains and beaches.


As a third year undergrad at the SFU School of Communication, I am passionate about learning about the contemporary perspectives of new media and pop culture, which developed my interest in online marketing and engagement. I hope to build leadership skills in the Peer Leader Program that would allow for greater opportunities in the future. I am also an active member in the SFU community with involvement in two clubs and a part-time co-op assistant position at SFU Coast Capital Savings Venture Connection. My goal is to obtain an honours degree. I look forward to meeting everyone!


Hi! My name is Kim Bassan, and I'm a second-year student in the School of Communication. My main area of interest is new media, technology, and culture, but honestly, I believe communications in general is so relevant to our society that there is something to learn from every field. So basically I am an Israeli Pretzel. Why? Well, I'm a yoga teacher. I enjoy being active while seeking mindfulness and self-improvement. The Israeli part is pretty straight forward. I relocated from Israel two years ago and have been happily living in Burnaby ever since. I'm excited to meet, learn, help, and communicate with all of you. My goal is to be an open resource for you and enchance your first-year experience from my own knowledge.


Hi! My name is Kirsten, and I'm going into my third year of communications at Simon Fraser University. Besides school, I enjoy playing soccer, hanging out with friends, and spending time outdoors. I also work part time as a soccer coach for children. I am super excited to be a Peer Leader for the 2019-2020 school year. I look forward to meeting all of the incoming first-year Communication students!


Hi! As a fourth-year student at SFU, I am orginally from China. Next summer I will be receiving my BA in Communication with a minor in Geography. I am interested in media and public relationships, branding, and marketing. During my leisure time I enjoy hiking, walking, and exploring restaurants. As a member of the Peer Leader team, I look forward to connecting with students to share my experiences!


With five years of communications under my belt, I have ensured a dynamic undergraduate degree both in and out of the classroom. From producing horror films in class in CMNS 226, learning R Program Language in STAT 260, to creating a LinkedIn strategy for SFU Publishing in PUB 355, my studies have complimented my CMNS knowledge. Aside from my studies, I have volunteered as a Program Manager for Young Women in Business, Portfolio Manager for the International Association of Business Communicator's BC Chapter, and ran for SFU Student Society Faculty Rep. I am well versed in all the exciting pathways SFU offers. As the current Education Outreach, Promotion, and Recruitment Assistant, I am up to date on all things CMNS and am always happy to help.


Hi! I am Venus, a fourth-year Communication major and business minor. I love connecting with people through communication, know about people's stories, and spreading positive energy. When I have time, I enjoy reading with coffee and exploring the beautiful city. I hope to get all year one students involved in the diverse university environment and get all CMNS students integrated while enjoying themselves as a SFU student.