School of Communication Graduate Mozhgan Fazli Transfers Research Skillset to Industry

October 11, 2024

Speaking with recent MA graduate Mozhgan Fazli, it’s clear how important family is to her. Bringing her family with her from her home country of Iran to complete her MA degree at the SFU School of Communication was a big decision, but she did it knowing that she was supported by the School.

“I picked Simon Fraser University because of the great team and their inclusive approach in terms of research,” says Fazli.

Her research looks at men and masculinity studies as a neoliberal subject. As a feminist activist, she has always focused her research on women empowerment but has found that the masculine mindset has often halted this progress. She is focused on breaking down this mindset in an Iranian context.

“Masculinity isn’t just gender based; it’s a pattern of practice or performance that is affecting lifestyle, particularly in my home country,” says Fazli.

This research topic is also being research by other scholars in Iran, aiming to understand how this binary was created and how this mindset has been perpetuated.

Fazli’s relationship with fellow Iranian, lecturer Daniel Ahadi has been crucial to her success at SFU. Fazli worked closely with him throughout her degree, receiving support from him both research-wise and personally. She also is grateful to her supervisor, professor Stuart Poyntz, and Graduate Chair Adel Iskandar for their support during her time at SFU.

“Their support was what kept me going,” says Fazli.

“It was very challenging managing all these changes with my family, but the support from Adel, Stuart, Daniel was really important throughout this journey.” 

This support was there from day one, when Fazli’s partner was dealing with health issues shortly after arriving in Canada. Ahadi, Poyntz and Iskandar, along with Graduate Program Coordinator Jason Congdon, found ways to support Fazli and her family during this difficult time.

“What this said to me was that I was not alone here. That still sits with me today,” says Fazli.

New faculty member Sarah Ganzon was also influential to Fazli’s research, chairing her defence and putting her in contact with researchers in the United States who want Fazli to contribute to their books. This will allow Fazli to continue working on her research in the short-term. Long-term, she plans on returning to academia to complete her PhD.

In the meantime, she is excited to begin working in industry.

She has accepted a job at Gateway Casino where she is working as the Learning and Training Specialist. In this role, she will be applying her experience in learning management systems to make the organizations learning and training content more engaging and inclusive.

Fazli wants to offer encouragement for students who are unsure of what to do with their degree and if their skills will be employable post-graduation.

“One of the concerns that many students have is, ‘what am I supposed to do with these skills when I go to the job market and if they are valuable,’” says Fazli.

“Don’t fear the future, because as the future is coming you are learning to be prepared for it. Take all the opportunities that are available to get equipped and trained while you are in school.”

Learn more about the School’s MA program here!
