
Access LiveChat

LiveChat is an online chat platform currently available on Advisor Link for SFU undergraduate students on a first come, first served basis. You can ask 5–10 minute questions to one of the FCAT advisors.

We will be able to assist you with:

- Course Add/Drop, Waitlist
- Permission and waiver
- WQB questions
- Yes/No questions

LiveChat Hours

School of Communication: Friday 1:00 – 2:00 PM PST

**The LiveChat queue is closed 10 minutes before the scheduled closing time.**

How to Access LiveChat

1. Log into Advisor Link.

On the home page, scroll down to "View Your Program Pages." Locate the Faculty of Communication, Art, and Technology (FCAT) Livechat. Click on "Chat with and Advisor."

2. Click on "Chat Now" to launch LiveChat on the Faculty of Communication, Art, and Technology page,  If LiveChat is not available, it will say "Chat Offline."

3. Enter a subject in the LiveChat pop-up window. Click on "Start Chatting" to join the LiveChat queue. 

Chatting is only available during the advertised LiveChat advising times. Log onto chat on the day/time your advisor will be online.

When an advisor is online, you must submit your first and last name, SFU student ID number, and conversation subject before requesting to chat. Once signed in, you will join the LiveChat queue until your chat request has been accepted.

Do not refresh the page, leave the queue, or attempt to access the chat from another device.

Once a LiveChat request has been accepted, you will be sent an automated greeting and can start chatting immediately by typing in the text box. 

Email advising
Monday - Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Please note: Do not email multiple advisors with the same message as this will delay the response time to other students.

Phone or video conferencing advising
Students will be able to book advising appointment via the online Advisor Link.

Meet Our Advisors

Sheena Clarkson

Room: K9650 (next to BPK)

  • Future and incoming CMNS students
  • Recruitment inquiries
  • 0 to 30 units
  • New students (including transfer students)
  • Current CMNS students (Major and Joint Major) with 30 units or less
  • SFU students who are planning to transfer into CMNS (Major, Joint Major, or Minor)

Alicia Akenhead

Room: K9651

  • 31 to 80 units
  • Current CMNS students (Major and Joint Major) with 31 to 80 units completed
  • SFU students with 31-80 units who are intending to transfer into CMNS
  • Post Baccalaureate Diploma Program
  • Second Degree students
  • Dialogue Minor Program
  • Communication Minor and Extended Minor Program
  • Exchange Unit Evaluations
  • Exchange Advisor Sheet

Sami Lee

Room: K9653

  • 81 to 120 units to degree completion
  • Current CMNS students (Major and Joint Major) with 81 units or more completed
  • Communication Honours Program
  • SFU students with 81 or more completed units who are intending to transfer into CMNS