School of Communication Professor Milena Droumeva Named School Director

September 04, 2024

School of Communication professor Milena Droumeva has been named the new School Director for the School of Communication, starting their term on September 1st, 2024 for a three-year term. They previously served as Associate Director for the School for two years, beginning that role on September 1st, 2022. They are succeeding School of Communication professor Stuart Poyntz, who served as School Director from 2021-2024.

We sat down with Milena to ask them about their new role. 

Why did you choose this profession?

I was good at school, plain and simple. So I stayed in school and continued to learn, and naturally moved to teaching, and then becoming a faculty member here at the School. It is important to challenge ourselves and it is also important to recognize our natural strengths and go with the flow, so to speak.

What excites you about your new role as School Director?

I feel equal parts excitement and trepidation: this is an enormously important job that will also have a steep learning curve and a lot of challenges to navigate. Still, I have to say I enjoy the idea of stewarding the School over the next few years and seeing what the future brings.

What are you hoping to achieve in this new role? 

My best wish and intention is to lead the School through the current and upcoming period of financial difficulty for the university, and to do so by revitalizing our curriculum, improving our professionalization opportunities, and streamlining information to students about our program.

What long-term vision do you have for the School of Communication?

I'd like to see us take our unique place in the University, and in our respective communities as leaders in civic and media literacy. At a time of social media overload, disinformation, and ideological fragmentation, our program offers the frames to understand society, how we have arrived at this moment in time, and potentially how to get to a better place. We teach future creatives, future activists and leaders how to think about the role of media and technologies in relation to culture and social justice. We haven't exactly advertised ourselves aggressively and I'd like to see our School be more recognized for its outstanding mandate.

Why is it important for you to be teaching during your time as School Director?

After all, any School Director is also a faculty member. To understand and really feel the experience of teaching and interacting with students, it is important to actually do it - so I feel teaching during my tenure as Director will keep me grounded in the issues that both students and instructors face on a daily basis.

What would you say is your main motivation for your work?

Grand scale - I want to live in a better world. To me that means better civic literacy, more civic engagement, more collaboration on important and global issues such as climate change and social justice. In our line of work this work is best done by teaching and making research public. 

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

So many things: cooking, soccer, my cats, carpentry, and creative writing. Always wish I had more time for these productive pleasures!
