
3 Ways to get Involved at SFU

March 26, 2025

By Silke Billings

Here are my best tips for getting involved and making the most of your time at SFU.

Unlike high school, it may feel more difficult to make friends within classrooms in University. This may have been put to the test further with Zoom University.  

I have met awesome people in my lectures and tutorials; I have made many more friends outside of the classroom because the stakes are lower and you get to engage in fun events and projects together. It’s never too early or late to get involved, and despite COVID-19 forcing things online, there are still many ways to get involved.


1. Join a club or Volunteer with one

A great low stakes way to get involved is through extracurriculars like clubs, which are still running despite the move to online environments. Clubs allow you to meet like-minded people and learn more about the SFU community through clubs.

In the past, I have volunteered as a Program Manager for Young Women in Business (YWiB) and I’m currently managing the Social Media for Her Campus. It’s a great way to get experience while in school because they make the workload more manageable for a student, which helps make it more accessible for students.

2. Join Co-op

With the help of Co-op advisors and practical experience, I have gained confidence in interviews and in the workplace. There is a learning curve when you first start to work and as I could navigate that difficult transition that with the help of Co-op advisors and fantastic supervisors, I felt well supported and thus was better able to focus on my personal development.

Want to get experience? Learn more about the Co-op program here.

3. Become a Peer Leader (Peer Leader Program)

Helping first-year Communication students through the Peer Leader Program was an amazing way to get to know fellow Communication students, but was also a way for me to be more familiar with SFU resources. As I actively sought out various events and opportunities to send out to first-year students, I could also find out more about SFU resources that may help me develop new skills and help me with my schoolwork.

Regardless of what year you are in, volunteering with the Peer Leader Program is a great way to gain some experience in developing events and increasing one’s communication skills.

Become a Peer leader too! Find out more about how to apply here.

Of course, COVID-19 has been a tough year for us all and it may be the break you need from extracurriculars. I have spent much of COVID-19 working Co-op terms from home and taking classes online and have found myself needing a break from screens more often than before. Regardless of how you spend your time during COVID-19, listening to your body and your mental health is important and must be respected.