Declaring Your Program

Ready to declare? Please read and follow the instructions below.

  1. Fill out the CMNS program declaration online application form (below).
  2. Attach your most current Advising Transcript (not your Unofficial Transcript). Step-by-step directions here: How to download your Advising Transcript
  3. You will be notified by email after your application has been reviewed.

Submit your program declaration

Program declaration

Please contact a CMNS Advisor directly if you wish to declare into the Joint Major, Post Baccalaureate, or Second Degree programs.

Requirements for approval of CMNS Major:

  • CMNS GPA of 2.50 or better and SFU GPA of 2.00 or better upon completion of at least 3 CMNS lower division courses at SFU
  • A minimum 2.25 CMNS CPGA and 2.00 SFU CGPA is required to remain in good academic standing in the program
Requirements for approval of CMNS Minor:
  • CMNS GPA of 2.50 or better and SFU GPA of 2.00 or better upon completion of the lower division requirements

Please refer to the SFU Academic Calendar for requirements

If you do not meet the requirements listed above, you are welcome to submit the program declaration form and provide an explanation here:

The total size of uploaded attachments can be no larger than 15MB

Communication Programs

  • CMNS Major
  • CMNS Honours
  • CMNS Joint Majors
  • CMNS Extended Minor
  • CMNS Minor
  • DIAL Minor
  • CMNS Second Degree
  • CMNS Post-Baccalaureate Diploma

Please refer to the SFU Academic Calendar for program requirements.

 CMNS Checklists

SFU Academic Calendar

Visit Academic Programs, click "Academic Programs and "C" for Communication to review program options.

Units and Requirements


Required Upper Division (UD) Units  

Students who are declared into the CMNS Major program in Spring 2016 (1161) or earlier are required to complete 45 UD credits. Students who are declared into the CMNS Major program in Summer 2016 (1164) or later are required to complete 44 UD credits.

CMNS 260 / 261 /262

These are the previous lower division research courses in Communication. CMNS 260 has been changed to CMNS 201, CMNS 261 is no longer offered, and CMNS 262 has been changed to CMNS 202. The Academic Progress Report (APR) on goSFU may only recognize CMNS 201 AND CMNS 202, however students who have completed any of CMNS 260, 261, 262 can count these courses toward their lower division CMNS course requirement.

Foundations Courses


Please note: these Foundations courses are for students who have been admitted to SFU. They do not constitute a stand-alone program nor are they pre-admission courses.

The content of W and Q courses presumes that students have met a basic competency standard. Two Foundations courses are available to students who do not meet the grade threshold to enroll in W and/or Q courses:

  • Foundations of Academic Literacy (FAL X99), and
  • Foundations of Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning (FAN X99)

A grade of C or better is required to progress from FAL into W courses or FAN into Q courses. Students may attempt these courses no more than twice. If FAL or FAN are not successfully completed within 3 enrolled terms, students will be blocked from registering in further course work at SFU until competency in English and Math are demonstrated. Please refer to this Student Services web page for more information on FAL/FAN blocks.

Honours Degree

Consider a honours degree to further your education. 

SFU School of Communication Honours Program