Faculty information

Sample text for instructors to request a meeting with a student 

Concerns regarding academic integrity in relation to an assessment item have come to my attention.  These concerns indicate a potential violation of SFU's Student Academic Integrity Policy (S10.01), a situation that I take very seriously. My role as an instructor includes evaluating student progress and ensuring fair grading in the class. The concerns are related to [specify type of breach- plagiarism/ collusion/ misrepresentation] in [specify name of assignment(s)].

Before I make a decision on the grade for this assessment, I would like to give you the opportunity to respond to the concern. I am available to meet with you on xx or xx [specify date(s)]. If you are unable to meet in  you may respond in writing.  If no response is received by xx [specify time] on xx [date] a decision will be made about the apparent academic dishonesty and a penalty may be imposed.  A support person may accompany you to this meeting.

SFU is committed to fair process and you can find refer to SFU's policies and procedures on academic integrity: You can also contact the Office of the Ombudsperson for assistance in navigating University procedures: