Your student's next steps

During this time, remind your student that there are a few things they can do while they wait to hear back about their application. Once they’ve been assigned a student number and at any time during the admission process, students can sign in to Student Centre to check on their application status.

After your student submits their application

Ensure they submit any required documents. These documents depend on students’ various pathways, and must be submitted by their respective deadlines to complete the application.

If they haven't already, apply for scholarships like the Undergraduate Scholars Entrance Scholarship (USES) or the Uggla Family Scholarship (UFS).

Apply for SFU Residence and Housing or start looking for housing options off campus (see below).

Join any in-person and virtual events that are typically scheduled in the busy fall and winter months and sign up for a campus tour.

Stay connected with us— look out for SFU emails in their inbox, as we’ll be sharing valuable information to keep all students updated with what’s going on!

Read more about what’s next

Consider their living arrangements

On-campus housing

Students staying at SFU Residence will have their own private living and study spaces, access to housing amenities, and access to all-you-care-to-eat meal plans at the Dining Commons. It’s the ideal setup for students who want the convenience of being within walking distance to their classes, living just a few doors down from their friends in the SFU community, and enjoying their independence in a safe, welcoming environment.

How applications work

Applications for the Fall term open in early October, so we recommend students apply early. Spaces on campus are limited and offers are made to students on a first-come, first-served basis. However, those who apply will only get an offer from SFU Residence and Housing after they've officially accepted an offer of admission from the University, so their original date of residence application still matters.

Learn more about SFU Residence

Off-campus housing

There are many off-campus housing options to be found in Greater Vancouver, and depending on which SFU campus the majority of your student’s classes will be held, Burnaby, Surrey, and Downtown Vancouver are good places to start looking for accommodation. Please note that the closer the accommodation is to campus, the less likely there will be availability closer to September each year, due to their proximity and popularity among students studying from out of town.

Join in-person and virtual events

We host a series of events throughout the busy fall and winter months, covering different topics that address domestic and international student needs. These can include how-to webinars that take students through the application process in detail, drop-in advising sessions where students can bring their questions, and information sessions and one-on-one meetings with our admissions representatives that are hosted abroad, to name a few.

Preview our upcoming events

Sign up for a campus tour

We host tours at our Burnaby and Surrey campuses, led by current SFU students. During these tours, visiting students can discuss their academic interests and educational goals with their guides to get a better sense of what's possible for them at SFU. Our guides can answer questions and may even share their personal experiences and insights about being a part of the SFU community!

Book a campus tour