Additional Requirements and Policies by Applicant Type

Advanced placement

Information for students in an AP program, or with AP course credit.

Mature student

If you are 23 or older (before the start of classes for the term you are applying to), are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and have attempted less than 24 units of transferable course work, you may be given consideration as a mature student.

In addition to required documents, you must submit a personal information profile and at least one letter of reference. We give preference to applicants who have successfully completed some post-secondary work, usually four transferable academic courses (12 units), and ensured that they have no background deficiencies in essay writing, mathematics, etc.

The deadline for submitting the personal information profile is the same as the application deadline.

Applicants for degree programs are expected to meet the literacy and quantitative and analytical skills competency requirements specified for transfer students. Applicants who have attempted a year or more of transferable post-secondary work (24 units or more) are ineligible for mature student entry but may be considered for admission as transfer students.

Go to Mature student

United World College student

We welcome UWC students to the SFU community.

Go to UWC student

Concurrent Studies student

If you are a BC secondary student with superior academic standing (90% average or higher), you can apply to take courses at SFU as a concurrent studies student. You can take one or two SFU courses while still attending secondary school.

Go to Concurrent Studies student

Readmission / Reactivation

If you have previously completed at least one term at SFU, you can apply to be reactivated or can apply for readmission.

See Reactivation form


You must apply by Day 5, Week 1, of the term for which you are seeking reactivation. Fill out the reactivation form if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • you previously attended and completed at least one full term at SFU
  • you are in good academic standing, on academic probation, or continued on academic probation
  • you have been absent from the University for three or more consecutive terms
  • you have completed no further academic studies at a post-secondary institution during the time away from SFU.

You may also use the reactivation form if:

  • you have graduated from SFU and wish to reapply for a different program, and
  • you have completed no further academic studies at a post-secondary institution during the time away from SFU.

Students who receive certificates or who complete a professional development program before completing a bachelor's degree may enroll in subsequent terms without applying for readmission.


  • If you don't satisfy the above criteria you must apply for readmission by completing the regular application at EducationPlannerBC. General admission deadlines apply.
  • If you have been required to withdraw, please check our Academic Advising information.

For full details on the complete admission requirements regulations as approved by Senate, please see Admission: Reactivation/Readmission in the Academic Calendar.


Applicants who do not already hold an undergraduate degree must apply to an undergraduate program. Explore our undergraduate programs.

Applicants who do already hold an undergraduate degree can apply to SFU as a non-degree seeking student. Please see University Graduate (Degree Holder) section below.

Graduate Students

University graduate (degree holder)

Applicants holding degree(s) from a recognized university may be admitted to undergraduate studies

  • to undertake a second or subsequent degree at the bachelor's level, or
  • to undertake a diploma or certificate program, or
  • to complete undergraduate courses that are not for credit towards a degree, diploma or certificate program.

Admission is competitive and applicants must meet our competitive admission average for the Faculty/Program applied to.  Second-degree program applicants must also meet our English admission requirement, and Quantitative skills requirement.

Applicants not pursuing a degree or program

Degree holders who do not wish to pursue an SFU post-degree program should apply through EducationPlanner BC as a University graduate and, after selecting a Faculty, should select a subject area of "not seeking SFU degree" with a program selection of "non-degree student."

Certificate, post-baccalaureate diploma (PBD), and second degree applicants

Application for undergraduate programs at the post-degree level is a two step process:

  1. Apply for admission to SFU as a degree holder.
  2. Once admitted, you will seek program approval directly from the department or school in which you intend to pursue your certificate, PBD or second degree program. 

Some post-degree programs require that students meet additional criteria before giving approval.

In all cases, you must contact the relevant Departmental or Faculty Advisor for further information prior to enrollment.

For second degree applicants only:

English Language and Literacy and Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning Requirements

Second degree students must meet the university's admission requirements for English admission requirement, and for Quantitative and analytical skills

Second Degree Approval Process

All intended second degree applicants must contact their intended department/faculty for approval prior to beginning enrolling in classes. Contact information for advisors is at Check the department website to find information on their Second Degree program.

Second Degree in Computing Science

Admission is competitive and based on upper division (third and fourth year) performance in the prior bachelor’s degree* and a Computing Related GPA (CRGPA). Applicants must complete the following courses (or equivalent courses) prior to admission: MACM 101 and CMPT 125 (or 129 or 135), and the CGRPA is calculated on MACM 101, CMPT 125 (or 129 or 135), and any additional courses that are equivalent to SFU’s MACM and CMPT courses.

Professional experience in a relevant work environment where English was the working language may be taken in to account. For some applicants we may require a Statement of Interest. If so, please visit the supplemental form for selected applicants applying to a second degree in Computing Science.

*Applicants with a previous degree in Computing Science are not eligible to apply to a second degree in Computing Science.

BC Initiative for Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (BC-IPSE)

SFU provides opportunities for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enrol in programs of study and engage in campus life through an inclusive post-secondary education partnership with Steps Forward – The BC initiative for Inclusive Post-Secondary Education.

Students are supported to enrol in the regular academic program of their choosing and to engage in all aspects of campus life.  Upon completion students receive a certificate of completion at convocation alongside their peers in their program of study.  Inclusion facilitators work with students and professors to modify course materials to suit the student’s learning style, and work as a resource to campus staff, faculty, and peers.

Learn more:
How to Apply: contact SFU Inclusion Facilitator, Ben Ross,

Visiting student

Choose this category on your application if you intend to study at SFU for a term or two as a visitor with the intent of taking credit earned at SFU back to your home institution.

Applicants are expected to meet the following requirements:

  • Be in good academic standing at your current institution
  • Enrolled in a degree program at your current institution
  • Satisfy pre-requisites for your approved courses at SFU
  • Arrange for an official Letter of Permission to be sent from your current institution

Indigenous Undergraduate Admission

The term Aboriginal Peoples refers to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples of Canada. On this page, Aboriginal and Indigenous are used interchangeably as Indigenous is emerging as a preferred term in a global context. We use the term Indigenous here to refer to Aboriginal peoples of Canada – First Nations (Status and Non-Status, Métis, and Inuit peoples)

Aboriginal Undergraduate Admission Policy

Aboriginal applicants who do not meet the competitive average set by individual faculties and schools can apply under the Aboriginal Undergraduate Admission Policy. Applicants must normally be high school graduates and meet the general university minimum requirements for admission.

General admission

Aboriginal applicants who meet the competitive average and general university requirements should apply directly to their faculty or program of choice. See  general university admission requirements.

Contact 778.782.5428 or email

Adult Graduation Diploma

This credential is available to adults who take courses to complete graduation through a secondary school, adult education centre or a community college.

If you have completed the diploma and are at least 19 years of age, you may be admitted if you have completed:

  • four courses (16 credits) at grade 11 or advanced level to include English, mathematics, social studies or First Nations 12, an experimental or laboratory science; a language other than English is not required
  • four courses (16 credits) at the grade 12 or provincial level to include English and three additional subjects selected from: biology, mathematics, chemistry, English literature, languages, statistics, geography, history, physics.
  • BC First Nations Studies 12, Calculus 12, Comparative Civilization 12, Economics 12, English Literature 12, Foundations of Math 12, French 12 or français langue seconde 12, German 12, History 12, Japanese 12, Law 12, Mandarin 12, Principles of Math 12 or Pre-Calculus 12, Philosophy 12, Punjabi 12, Social Justice 12, Spanish 12, Sustainable Resources 12.
  • Sciences: Biology 12, Chemistry 12, Geography 12, Geology 12, Physics 12.
  • In addition, all applicants must meet the English admission requirement, and Quantitative skills requirement.

All four grade 12 or provincial level subjects must be graded: a minimum average of C+ or 67% is required, based on the Ministry of Education grading scale. Program-specific admission requirements parallel those for BC secondary school graduates.