Senior Lecturer | Undergrad Chair | Acting Associate Director

Room: K8647

Daniel Ahadi

Daniel Ahadi is an uninvited settler of Iranian descent on these unceded territories of the Coast Salish peoples, a Senior Lecturer in the School of Communication, and an affiliated faculty member at The Digital Democracies Institute. His research focuses on the development of self and identity within the context of media, migration, globalization, and formation of transnational diasporas.

He is the co-editor of The Handbook of Ethnic Media in Canada (McGillQueen's University Press, 2023), with Sherry S. Yu at University of Toronto and Ahmed Al-Rawi at Simon Fraser University. 


  • PhD Simon Fraser University (2016) 
  • MA University of Stockholm (2004)
  • BA Simon Fraser University (2002)



Future courses may be subject to change.

daniel teaches


  • CMNS 110: Introduction to Communication Studies 
  • CMNS 202: Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Communication 
  • CMNS 362: Evaluation Methods for Applied Communication Research 
  • CMNS 428: Media Analysis Project Group 
  • CMNS 432: Political Communication, Public Opinion, and Political Marketing


  • CMNS 848: Communication and Global Social Justice
  • CMNS 849: Communication Research for Social Change


research interest

Media representation; post-colonial and anti-colonial theory; critical race studies; queer theory; intersectionality; critcal multiculturalism studies; ethnic media; applied research in curriculum design and theories of learning; qualitative research methods; critical analysis of academic research traditions and methodological practices; the relationship between knowledge/power, voice, and positionality.


Ongoing Supervision
Hoornaz Keshavarzian (PhD)
Ali Sayyah (PhD)
Paola Sawaya (MA)

Ongoing Committee
Shauna-Kaye Brown (PhD)

Completed Supervision
Mozhgan Fazli (MA)
Rockson Obeng (MA)
Maxine Yeo (MA)
Muyi Yang (MA)
Yichi Tsai (MA)

Completed Committee
Mina Einifar (MA)
Elly Habibullah (MA)


Ahadi, D. (2024). Iranian diasporic media: The rise and fall (and rise again) of ManotoTV. Association for Iranian Studies Conference (AIS). Mexico City, Mexico, August 12-15, 2024.

Ahadi, D. (2023). Confessions of a diasporic mind: Long-distance “nationalists” and transnational political activism among Iranians abroad (Panel organizer and Chair). Middle East Studies Association Conference (MESA). Montreal, Canada, November 2-5, 2023.

Ahadi, D. and Yu, Sherry S. (2023). Ethnic media research in the digital age: The case of Canada course. The Congress of the International Association of Communication and Media Research (IAMCR). Lyon, France, July 9-13, 2023. Awarded top paper in the Media and Diaspora Working Group.

Ahadi, D. (2023). Panel: Body, politics and representation in Iran's “Woman, Life, Freedom” uprising (Panel organizer and Chair). Canadian Communication Association Conference (CCA). Toronto, Canada, May 30-June 2, 2023.

Ahadi, D. (2022). Construction of belonging in North Vancouver’s Edgemont Village: Space and the everyday performance of whiteness. Canadian Communication Association Conference (CCA). Calgary, Canada, May 17-20, 2022.

Ahadi, D. (2021). Revisiting ethnic media in Canada: Policies, practices, and integration. Canadian Communication Association Conference (CCA). Edmonton, Canada, June 1-4, 2021.

Ahadi, D. (2021). Migration and the politics of fieldwork: Questioning communication studies. Roundtable at the Canadian Communication Association Conference (CCA). Edmonton, Canada, June 1-4, 2021.