Dal Yong Jin

Professor, Distinguished SFU Professor

E: djin@sfu.ca
Room: HC3555
Website: www.sfu.ca/communication/dal-yong-jin



  • 2004 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois
    Ph. D., Program at the Institute of Communications Research
    Dissertation Title: “Political Economy of Communication Industry Reorganization: Republic of Korea, 1987-2002” (Advisor: Dan Schiller)
  • 2000 University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
    M.P.A. (Master of Public Affairs) at the Lyndon B. Johnson School (LBJ)
  • 1988 Yonsei University Graduate School, Seoul, Korea. M.A. in Public Policy
  • 1986 Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. B. A. in Public Administration

Currently Teaching


Future courses may be subject to change.


Korea’s Platform Empire explores the evolution of digital platforms in South Korea’s media sphere, and their global political, economic, cultural, and technological influence. This book takes a methodical look at the broader social implications and the impact on cultural production.

The South Korean Film Industry is the first detailed scholarly overview of the South Korean film industry. By bringing together a wide range of academic specialists, The South Korean Film Industry situates the current scholarship on South Korean cinema within the ongoing theoretical debates in contemporary global film studies.

The book demonstrates the dynamics between structural forces and textual engagement in global media flows, and it illuminates snack-culture and binge-reading as two new forms of digital culture that webtoon platforms capitalize on to capture people’s shifting media consumption.

This book examines the nexus of East Asian media, culture, and digital technologies in the early 21st century from a Global South perspective. Offering an important contribution to understanding the historical trajectory and recent developments of East Asia media, this book will interest students and scholars of media, communication, popular culture, cultural studies, Asian studies, politics and sociology.

This book will be highly appealing to any scholar or student interested in media globalization and contemporary Asia popular culture. These chapters present the evolution of Hallyu as a transnational process and addresses two distinctive aspects of the recent Hallyu phenomenon - digital technology integration and global reach.  

Jin, D. Y. (2022). Ten debates on the Hallyu mythology (한류 신화에 관한 10가지 논쟁 in Korean). Hanul.

The book begins by interrogating globalization as a critical and intensely contested concept, and proceeds to explore how digital media have influenced a complex set of globalization processes in broad international and comparative contexts.  

At a time of fundamental change for the media and cultural industries, driven by the emergence of big data, algorithms, and AI, the book examines how media ecology and popular culture are evolving to serve the needs of both media and cultural industries and consumers.  

This book observes and analyzes transnational interactions of East Asian pop culture and current cultural practices, comparing them to the production and consumption of Western popular culture and providing a theoretical discussion regarding the specific paradigm of East Asian pop culture.

Global eSports explores the recent surge of eSports in the global scene and comprehensively discusses people's understanding of this spectacle. By historicizing and institutionalizing eSports, the contributors analyze the rapid growth of eSports and its implications in culture and digital economy.

Converging theory and practice, this book provides a unique analysis of Korean youth’s attempts to become global celebrities within the growing K-pop phenomenon, which is rapidly becoming part of global media systems and culture. K-pop has become one of the most popular cultural forms in the global music markets, despite having a relatively new global presence.

Offering an in-depth look at globalization processes, histories, texts, and state policies as they relate to the global media, Jin maps out the increasing role of digital platforms as they have shifted the contours of globalization. 

This book examines cross-regional film coproduction within the Asia-Pacific region. It contributes to the reconfiguration of geographic, political, economic, and cultural relations. 

Korean communication and media have grown to become some of the most significant segments of Korean society. This book historicizes the growming scholarship in Korean media and culture. 

Since the Korean Wave started in the late 1990s, Hallyu Has undergone many changes, and this book documents and analyzes the emergence of Hallyu.


Focusing on three main approaches--media economics, political economy, and production studies, this book provides an empirically rich analysis of media ownership, structures, and culture.

This book examines the technology's innovation and the evolution, the digital economy through the lens of political economy, and the youth culture embedded in the Korean smartphone contexts. 

This book analyzes mobile gaming in Asian context and looks into a localized mobile landscape, with special reference to young Asian's engagement with mobile gaming.

This book analyzes the social and technological trends that transformed Hallyu from a mostly regional interest into a global powerhouse. It provides rationales why we witness the New Korean Wave, compared to the early stage of Hallyu. 

This book conributes to the platform imperialism discourse by mapping out several core areass of platform imperialism.


As the first comprehensive attempt to analyze the wave of de-convergence of the global media system, this book makes sense of those transitions by looking at global trends.

This book is as alert to developments in our main oubjects os analysis--media institutions, technologies, markets, uses and society.


This book is to reimterpret cultural imperialism theory in the 21st context. 

This book is about the increasing role of science journalism in the age of digital media, big data, and privacy. 

This book examines the rise of Korean online games in the global marketplace, the emrgence of eSports as a youth culture phenomenon, and the working conditions of professional gamers. 

This book explores diverse perspectives and approaches in order to reflect varied perspectives on the convergence of cultrue and new media technology.

The book is a contemporary political economic analysis of the various dimensions in the rapid growth of the Korean communication industry. 


  • Globalization and Media
  • Asian Media and Culture
  • Online Game Studies/ Social Media
  • Technology and Culture
  • Political Economy of Culture
  • Telecommunications Policy
  • Science Journalism