Sports code of conduct
Intramural employees
The League Managers are in charge of all on-site decisions regarding any intramural activity. Consequently, the League Managers can act as an official at any point during any intramural games. The League Managers and the assigned officials have maximum authority to ensure the activity runs in an appropriate and safe manner. Therefore, they have the authority to remove any participants from the activity site who are not adhering to intramural policies, procedures, and rules, or to cancel a contest at any time. In the case of any ambiguous policies, procedures, and rules, or if the safety of participants or the integrity of the league comes into question, the League Managers and Recreation Coordinator have final authority over all aspects of any intramural activities.
- All SFU students, faculty, and staff members are eligible to participate in intramural activities as long as they have a current and visible Athletics & Recreation membership with them.
- Non-SFU students, faculty, and staff members are eligible to participate in intramural activities if space permits, and if the individual has a current and visible Athletics & Recreation membership with them.
- Participants may not compete in multiple leagues for a particular sport that runs on the same day.
- Any person that is currently a member of a varsity sports team cannot participate in any intramural leagues associated with that particular sport. The Intramural Office defines a varsity athlete as any person who has practiced or played with a varsity team on a regular basis in the past two years.
- No more than 2 club players can compete on the same team in any intramural league associated with that particular sport. They must also play at the highest level offered for that sport.
- Players cannot be added to a team’s roster during the playoffs. That is, participants must have played at least one regular season game.
- Players cannot switch teams within a league for the duration of the season and playoffs.
- Any team caught playing with an ineligible player will forfeit any points gained in the standings with that player, and will be handed default losses for the associated game(s). The Recreation Coordinator also reserves the right to remove the team from the league.
- Individuals barred from any area within Athletics & Recreation will also be barred from intramural activities.
- It is the responsibility of the team captains to check with the League Manager or Recreation Coordinator regarding questions over any individual eligibility.
- Current Recreation Sports staff and officials may not be the designated team captain.
Conduct of participants
All participants are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship, fair play, and abide by all rules of the Intramural Office for the scheduled activity. Remember that it is a “privilege” to participate in intramurals, and that can be taken away from you. In those cases where unsportsmanlike acts occur, the following will rules apply:
- A No-Tolerance rule is in effect regarding language. Foul language will not be tolerated. Team captains will be warned on the first occurrence and the player(s) involved will be ejected from the game on subsequent occurrences.
- Any participant who intentionally injures or jeopardizes the safety of other participants will be ejected from the game immediately and is subject to further disciplinary action.
- Fighting is unacceptable in any intramural activity. A fight is defined by the Intramural Office as one punch thrown or landed and will result in a suspension from all intramural activities and suspension from that activity for the remainder of the season. The length of suspension will be determined by the Coordinator and Director.
- Any physical altercation between participants that does not result in a fight will result in a minimum two-game suspension for the participants involved.
- Players ejected from a game, for any reason, are subject to further suspension from the Recreation Coordinator.
- Deliberate physical contact with any Intramural staff will result in a minimum of a one-year suspension from all intramural activities.
- Any player ejected from a game because of unsportsmanlike conduct must meet with an Intramural employee regarding their continued participation with the Intramural program before they are eligible to compete again.
- At the start of each game, teams must designate a captain for that game. Only the designated captain may approach a League Manager or official with a complaint during a game. If players other than the captain challenge or question the League Manager or official, the game may be cancelled and the offending team will be given a forfeit.
Conduct of spectators
- It is the responsibility of participants to cooperate with Intramural employees in controlling spectators or team followers. A team can be given a loss or a forfeit if a team is not being cooperative.
- Spectators or team followers not acting in an appropriate manner will be asked to leave the playing area by the League Manager.
Protests and appeals
- Only non-judgment calls can be protested by a team.
- To protest a rule interpretation, the team must ask the official or League Manager to stop the game at the time of the incident and ask the Manager to begin filling out a protest form.
- Once the form has been filled out and, if time permits, the game can continue if both team captains agree.
- Completed protest forms will only be considered if they are turned into the Intramural Office by 4:00pm the next business day.
- Completed protest forms must be accompanied with a typed statement from the team filing the protest outlining the events leading up to the situation and the situation itself. A $10.00 deposit is also required with the protest. If the protest is deemed to be valid by the Recreation Coordinator, the $10.00 will be returned.
- Protests regarding ineligible players must be submitted the next business day and must follow the procedures listed in statement four of this section.
- Decisions can be appealed. See the Appeals section in this document for more information.
All decisions made by the activity League Manager or Senior Managers on protests and disciplinary matters can be appealed by members of the affected team. All appeals must be made within 24 hours of the incident in order to receive a decision. Appeals must be typed and submitted to the Intramural Office or submitted via e-mail. All appeals will be directed to the Recreation Coordinator. Appeals can not be made regarding decisions over a one-game suspension.
The official or supervisor has the right to remove any equipment, jewellery, or accessory which they deem to be dangerous or inappropriate for league play.
- All jewellery must be removed or taped over from visible parts of the body before the participants are permitted to play.
- No eyeglasses are allowed in contact sports. Badminton participants are strongly encouraged to not wear eyeglasses. Only regulated sports goggles are allowed.
- All hats must be removed; only during softball are hats permitted.
- Any braces must be fully padded with no moveable/sharp area showing.
- Participants are encouraged to wear a mouth guard at all times.
- No jeans, cargo pants, cargo shorts, or any attire with protruding metal or pockets, may be worn during any intramural activities.
- Footwear appropriate for the sport being played must be worn at all times (i.e. approved cleats on artificial turf, non-marking shoes in gyms). Participants without appropriate footwear will not be permitted to play.
Forfeits and concedes:
- A team will forfeit if:
- One or more members in a team do not have a valid Athletics & Recreation membership.
- They have less than the required number of players for the designated sport (see league rules for specific number).
- They have less than the required number of each gender for a co-ed sport.
- A team does not have enough eligible players 10 minutes after the scheduled start time.
- Players are ejected during the game, resulting in too few players to continue the contest.
- The game is cancelled at the discretion of the League Manager due to instances of unsportsmanlike conduct.
- The spectators associated with the team become unmanageable or uncontrollable.
- One or more members in a team do not have a valid Athletics & Recreation membership.
- A forfeit constitutes a loss as well as -1 point in the standings.
- In both recreation and competitive leagues, if a team forfeits a game, they will automatically be removed from the league and replaced with a wait list team. If a wait list team does not exist, the team in question can pay a fine of $25.00 to remain in the league. This fee must be paid at the Recreation Office two business days prior to their next scheduled game.
- To avoid a forfeit, a team can e-mail the League Manager or come in person to the Intramural Office two business days prior to their scheduled game and concede the game. The team will receive a loss in the standings but will remain in the league without further penalty.
Blood spills and fluid spills
- Any person(s) with visible blood on themselves or on their clothing will be immediately asked to stop playing. They will only be permitted back into an activity after the clothing has been removed, the blood flow has stopped, or the affected area has been bandaged. Teams and players are asked to bring extra clothing to a game in case of this occurrence.
- A game will be stopped if any body fluid spill occurs on the playing area, until such time that spill can be appropriately cleaned and sterilized.
Controlled Substances
Any person may be ejected from a game or prevented from participating for consumption of a controlled substance either at the activity site (which is prohibited by section 42 of the BC Liquor Control and Licensing Act), or in sufficient quantity prior to the game to significantly impair their participation and/or behaviour. Violation of these laws can subject the individual to arrest. The decision to eject the individual can be made by the game official and/or the League Manager. The decision of the employee is final and not considered grounds for protest.