Developing Minds 2018

Critical Thinking in Curriculum Transfer


8:00am Registration
8:30 Welcoming Remarks
9:00 Plenary: Peter Ellerton
10:00 Overview of Critical Thinking in the BC K-12 Curriculum Revisions: Implications for Post-Secondary Teaching and Learning - Nic Fillion and Dale Martelli
  Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Critical Thinking - Chas Desjarlais and Amy Parent
11:00 Break Out Sessions and Discussion
12:00pm Lunch
12:50 Theoretical Matters: Critical Thinking from Secondary to Post-Secondary - Jennifer Wang
  Practical Matters: Critical Thinking and Cognitive Development - Natalia Gajdamaschko
1:30 Break Out Sessions: Curriculum development and measures of critical thinking
2:30 Plenary: Reports from Break Out Sessions
3:30 Closing Remarks

About Developing Minds

Recent changes in the BC education curriculum established 'Critical Thinking' as a core teaching approach throughout K-12 classrooms. Students benefit from a rich community of inquiry that promotes deeper understanding of curriculum content and equips them with valuable life skills. School systems already using this approach have documented success using a number of outcome metrics.

Critical thinking skills transfer readily from the classroom into post-secondary education, and beyond. Not only do they enhance learning outcomes but students also gain a competitive advantage in the job market by acquiring skills in critical, creative and collaborative thinking frequently sought by modern employers.

The Developing Minds conference seeks to open up discussion among provincial education stakeholders keen to explore how teaching critical thinking in K-12 classrooms transfers into post-secondary education for student benefit. 

Simon Fraser University presents a day of roundtable discussion and keynote presentations on teaching critical thinking within BC’s education system, with a focus on connecting creative thinking with critical thinking skills in the classroom. Attendees will hear from keynote speakers with direct experience, and then collaborate to build a provincial framework of reference.