Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

surrey open house march 2015

Upholding our commitment to diversity

At the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), our processes and policies strive to continually uphold our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and we aim to instill reflective discussion at all levels to ensure inclusive decision-making processes. Explore the stories below to learn how FASS supports these core values.

Dynamic changemakers convene at Rosemary Brown Memorial Symposium

On May 6, 2021 GSWS hosted this year's Rosemary Brown Memorial Symposium virtually. The department was proud to have the Hon. Melanie Mark (Nisga'a, Gitxsan, Cree and Ojibway) Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport and first Indigenous woman elected to the BC legislature open the event while two exceptional SFU community members will be recognized for their advocacy and work in social justice.

Dr. June Francis, associate professor from SFU’s Beedie School of Business, received the Rosemary Brown Award for Women, and Anya Sass, an undergraduate in GSWS and political science, received the Rosemary Brown Undergraduate Award in Social Justice. Read more about this great event and the honoured guests.

Donate to the Rosemary Brown Memorial Fund

Convocation Spotlight: Alicia Fahrner

Graduating with a BA in Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies (GSWS) and Psychology, Alicia Fahrner credits her experiences at GSWS for inspiring clarity in both her academic and personal life as a queer woman of colour.

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Anosh Irani: Writer-in-Residence

Buffoon, a play by award-winning writer and playwright Anosh Irani, took home awards for Outstanding New Play, and Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role.

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