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Undergraduate journals
What are FASS Undergraduate Journals?
FASS Undergraduate Journals are student-run publications which feature student work such as academic essays, poetry, reviews, translations, travelogues, and more. All SFU Undergraduate students are invited to submit their work to the six active undergraduate journals in FASS. There are also opportunities to volunteer on a FASS Journal editorial team to gain experience in publishing, reviewing, and more.
Why should you get involved with FASS Undergraduate Journals?
Submitting your work to a FASS Undergraduate journal is a great way to gain experience in publishing and to share your work with others. Having published work is also beneficial on a resume, especially if you are thinking about graduate school. Likewise, volunteering on a FASS Journal team is an opportunity to interact with new ideas, meet like-minded peers, and encounter the wide range of ideas and research taking place within your department.
How do I get involved?
There are several ways to get involved, but the best place to start is to follow the FASS Undergraduate Journals you’re interested in on social media. Here, journal teams share information about when they are hiring or accepting submissions.
Don’t be afraid to submit to an undergraduate journal -- your work does not have to be perfect! You will receive helpful feedback and work with trained editing teams after submitting to make any changes as needed.
For more information, reach out to our FASS Journal teams below or email sesfass1@sfu.ca
FASS Student Journals
Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science
Congnitive Science
The Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science (CUJCS) is an electronic and print journal published by the Cognitive Science Student Society (CS³). Our aim is to provide a forum for students to share work among peers and gain valuable experience in the process of getting an academic paper published. As a publication, CUJCS provides a unique reference for students, showcases research by undergraduate students, improves the contact and exchange of ideas between Canadian students and cognitive scientists alike, and illustrates the interdisciplinary work that is the hallmark of cognitive science. Although preference is given to Canadian students, contributions from students elsewhere are strongly encouraged.The journal accepts papers based in cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and computer science.
International Studies
Confluence is the official open-access journal of SFU’s International Studies Department, supported by the International Studies Student Association (ISSA). As an interdisciplinary study, ISSA's Confluence welcomes submissions from a variety of academic fields related to International Studies. Confluence features the views and opinions of undergraduate and graduate students as they explore regional, national and international topics related to race, class, environment, power, politics and more. Confluence aims to connect students across departments to start important conversations relating to global issues. Read Confluence.
Political Science
Gadfly is an open-access academic journal, fostering research opportunities for undergraduate students in Political Science and its sub-fields. Undergraduate students are the inheritors of a long scholarly tradition that requires them to participate in the academic discourse through publication. Gadfly, as a medium for scholarly discourse, demands the utmost diligence from contributing students. Read Gadfly.
The Lyre
World Languages and Literatures
The Lyre magazine publishes work by undergraduate writers and artists and SFU graduates. Non-undergraduate students who are not SFU students may also submit; priority will be given to undergrads. We accept short stories, essays, travelogues, translations, poetry, short-form graphic novels, plays and monologues, and other written genres, as well as photography and visual artwork. Read The Lyre.
Journal of Criminology
The Simon Fraser University Journal of Criminology (JC) is a student-run and student-edited journal that publishes scholarship that will positively impact the criminology community. JC provides graduate students, undergraduate students, and faculty who have conducted research in criminology a space in which they may present their work. The objectives of the journal are to engage in community-building through critical thinking of criminological issues, encourage the expansion of research beyond courses, and to make research accessible for academic and non-academic audiences.
Undergraduate Journal of Psychology
The SFUψUJP is an annual, student-run, and peer-reviewed publication that allows students to share their original research, meta-analyses, and critical essays with our broader academic community. We hope to allow fellow students to a) meaningfully apply research, statistics, and analytical writing skills; and b) gain valuable first-hand experience with the process of editing, publishing, and peer-review. Join the conversation! We are open to submissions from students writing on any topic related to the scientific study of brain, mind, or behavior. Read the Undergraduate Journal of Psychology.

Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy
The Philosophy Student Union is accepting journal submissions for the Simon Fraser Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy! If you have a piece of scholarly writing you would like to share with others, now is the time to have your work immortalized alongside other brilliant SFU philosophy students in a collection dedicated to capture a passion for writing and philosophical engagement. Submitting to the journal is a valuable experience for those interested in pursuing future endeavours involving academic writing, and it’s an opportunity to share your unique philosophical thoughts with the rest of the community.
The Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Read the Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy

Sociology & Anthropology
POLIS is the Sociology and Anthropology Undergraduate Journal established by the Sociology and Anthropology Student Union. It seeks to foster academic curiosity within the fields of sociology and anthropology. Derived from the Greek word for city-state, POLIS symbolizes the various dimensions of societies and the communities within them. Engaging with these dimensions, the journal provides undergraduate students with a platform to share their research, explore different epistemologies, and engage in dialogue with one another. With an incredible team of editors, reviewers, and designers, POLIS encourages the exploration of both theoretical and practical approaches to pressing societal issues while making high-quality research accessible to all
Link to website: https://journals.lib.sfu.ca/index.php/polis/about
FASS Student Journals: General timelines
The Lyre
Call for submissions: January - March
Hire of editorial team: February
Publication: September
Call for submissions: January - May
Publication: September - October
Call for submissions: February - March
Hire of editorial team: January - February
Publication: September
Journal of Criminology
Call for submissions: End of March
Hire of Editorial Team: September
Publication: June
Undergraduate Journal of Psychology
Call for submissions: January - May
Publication: Spring semester
Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy
Call for submissions: January - February
Publication: August
The Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science
Call for submissions: March - August
Publication: November - December
If you’re interested in starting a FASS Undergraduate Student Journal, check out these resources available from the SFU Library. You can also email sesfass1@sfu.ca with any questions or for support.