Mentors - 5

Mentors are there to help you navigate your first year of university through one-on-one support and other social events organized by the mentorship program.  

Adi Sachdeva

Study Area: Intended Criminology Major

My favourite thing about university is meeting new people, and my favourite place to be when I'm feeling stresed is out on the soccer field.  

Antoinette Minoza


Study Area: Intended Psychology Major

My favourite thing about university so far is getting to meet new people and pick classes I’m actually interested in.  When I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed, my favourite place to be is at home! 

Avneet Nahal


Study Area: Intended Criminology Major 

My favourite thing about uni is meeting new people, and learning about the various opportunities SFU provides. When stress hits, my favourite place to be is outdoors going for a walk to get some fresh air. 


Dominik Pjetrushi

Study Area: Intended Criminology Major & Intended Legal Studies Minor

My favourite part of university at SFU so far is making new connections and making new friends that have made my SFU experience even more enjoyable and exciting. The best place for me to go when I'm feeling stressed is my local park because it’s important for me to disconnect from stressful situations and have a chance to self-reflect outside of a stressful environment. 

Evonne Brach


Study Area: Intended Criminology Major

So far my favourite thing about university is having the ability to choose when I can take my classes. When I'm feeling stressed, my favourite place to go  is the food court below the school.  

Faizaan Husain


Study Area: Declared Criminology Major & Psychology Minor

My favorite thing about university so far is meeting new people and participating in cool activities and clubs. When I'm stressed I like to chill at home; nothing beats sitting on the couch watching a good show or reading a book! 

Jessica Buuck


Study Area: Declared Psychology Major & Intended Counselling and Human Development Minor

My favourite part of university thus far is learning more about myself, my interests, how I function, and what works for me. When I'm feeling stressed, you can find me at my computer playing video games with loved ones.  


John Tacla


Study Area: Intended Criminology Major

My favourite thing about university so far is getting to meet people from different walks of life.  When I'm stressed, I like to visit a nearby park/garden to go on a stroll.

Karitzza Rojas


Study Area: Intended World Literature Major

My favourite thing about university is getting to make new friends and having the ability to have more freedom to choose the classes I like for school.  When I'm feeling stressed, you can find me anywhere with one of my pets and/or being with my friends to relieve the stress.  

Keannu Rubio


Study Area: Declared Psychology Major and Communications Minor

The best thing about university is the little feeling you get when you're able to take what you've learned from one discipline and apply it to another. You can learn so much more, and there's no reason to put what you've been learning into different boxes. For my favourite place to be, it has to be in the midst of all the dogs that SFU has available whenever dog therapy happens. You'll usually be seeing them around finals season.

Keerat Kaur Shergill

Study Area: Declared Criminology Major & Legal Studies Certificate

My favourite thing about university so far is how you are able to meet new people that have similar interests as you and you are able to make life long friendships with. University also allows people to explore different interests and has a variety of subjects that you are able to take.  My favourite place to be when I’m stressed is at home. 

Kitty Sykes


Study Area: Intended International Studies Major

My favourite thing about university so far is the variety of classes and getting to pick ones that really interest me and ones I want to learn more about! When I'm feeling stressed, my favourite place to be is outside, being in fresh air can really help you relax!

Manisha Sidhu


Study Area: Declared Psychology Major

My favourite thing about university so far is all the connections I have made with people and knowing there is support all around!  My go-to place for stress relief is near nature such as in a forest or by the water.  

Mari Edwin


Study Area: Declared History Major & Intended French Minor

My favourite thing about university is experiencing intellectual and personal growth! Compared to when I first began university, I feel smarter and more confident. During stressful times, my favourite place to be is with my cat, Kiki (who is technically my mom’s cat, but I’ve claimed her).

Rafaella Malca Vivanco


Study Area: Intended Psychology Major 

My favourite thing about university so far is being on campus, and when stress hits, you can find me at Tim Hortons in the West Mall Complex on the Burnaby Campus.  

Sarah De Giusti

Study Area: Intended Criminology Major 

My favourite thing about university so far is getting to meet new people in each class. To deal with stress you can find me at a local coffee shop, going for a walk in my neighbourhood, or both!

Shamikh Rahim


Study Area: Declared IAT Major & Psychology Minor

My favourite thing about university so far is all the free stuff I get during events and orientations. When I'm feeling stressed taking a walk around the Surrey campus or the AQ courtyard at the Burnaby Mountain campus helps. 

Teja Adams


Study Area: Intended Criminology Major 

My favourite thing about university so far is being able to take classes that align with my interests.  When I'm starting to feel stressed, you can find me at any coffee shop!  


Zoë Diguangco


Study Area: Intended Psychology Major & English Minor 

My favourite thing about university so far is having the opportunity to delve deeper into subjects I'm passionate about!  When I'm stressed, you can find me in my room curled up with a good book.