Using LiveWhale

SFU uses the LiveWhale platform to manage listings on the SFU Events Calendar. Use it to create listings for your events and share the details and links to them on the main SFU Events Calendar, your website and social media. 

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For content questions or strategy consultations, contact To request an account or receive technical support, please submit a ticket.

Cancel / Delete Events

If your event is cancelled, please make sure to update its status in LiveWhale by selecting either "Cancel" or "Delete":

  • Click "Cancel" to ensure your event continues to appear on the SFU Events Calendar marked "CANCELLED"
  • Click "Delete" to remove your event from the calendar completely

1. Open an event from your Group Calendar page

Your events

2. To cancel an event, click on “Cancel Event.” Cancelled events continue to appear on the SFU Events Calendar marked "CANCELLED."

cancel event button

3. Click “Save”

save button

4. Your event status will show “Canceled” and be listed in the calendar as cancelled.

status canceled

5. To delete an event, open the event by double-clicking on the event listing. When in the event, click “Delete event”

delete event button

6. Confirm you want to delete the event completely

confirm delete button

7. A green banner will appear to confirm the event has been deleted. Deleted events will not show in the SFU Events Calendar or event listing.

green banner

8. To restore a deleted event, accessing “Deleted items” from your Toolbox in the top right corner of your screen and select “Restore” in “Manage Trash”

deleted items list
restore option