Section 46.4 Various Problems
Problem 46.4.1.
Let \(a_{1},\ldots,a_{k^{2}+1}\) be any sequence of integers. Prove that it contains a monotone subsequence of length \(k+1\text{.}\)
Given \(i\in \{1,\ldots,k^2+1\}\text{,}\) let \(d(i)\) be the length of the longest subsequence \(a_i\leq a_{j_1}\leq cdots\leq c_{d(i)-1}\) with \(i\lt j_1\lt \cdots\lt j_{d(i)-1}\text{.}\)
Suppose that for each \(i\) we have \(d(i)\leq k\text{.}\) Then, by the Pigeonhole Principle, there is \(\ell \in \{1,\ldots,k\}\) such that \(|\{i\in \{1,\ldots,k^2+1\}:d(i)=\ell\}|\geq k+1\text{.}\)
Let \(i_1\lt i_2\lt \cdots \lt i_{k+1}\) be such that \(d(a_{i_1})=d(a_{i_2})=\cdots=d(a_{i_{k+1}})=\ell\text{.}\)
If there are \(1\leq p\lt q\leq k+1\) such that \(a_{i_p}\leq a_{i_q}\) then \(d(i_p)\geq 1+d(i_q)>\ell\text{,}\) which contradicts our choice of \(a_{i_p}\text{.}\) Hence,
which completes the proof of the claim.
Problem 46.4.2.
Let \(f\) be an integral–valued function defined on \(\{1,\ldots,2^{n-1}\}\text{,}\) such that \(1 \leq f(i) \leq i\text{,}\) for \(i = 1,\ldots,2^{n-1}\text{.}\) Prove that there is a sequence
Prove that the bound is sharp.
Let \(d(x)\) be the maximum length of sequence \(x=a_1\lt a_2\lt \cdots\) with \(f(a_1)\leq f(a_2)\leq\cdots\text{.}\) Since \(f(1)=1\text{,}\) it follows that \(\max d(x)=d(1)\text{.}\)
We use mathematical induction on \(n\) to prove the claim.
For the base case when \(n=1\text{,}\) we have \(f(1)=1=a_1=2^{1-1}=1\text{,}\) i.e., the claim is true. Suppose that \(n\gt 1\) is such that the claim is true for all \(m\geq n-1\text{.}\)
We first prove that if \(d(x)\geq d(1)-k\text{,}\) then \(f(x)\leq 2^k\) for \(0\leq k\leq d(1)-1\text{.}\) Assume by contradiction that \(f(x)\gt 2^k\) and \(t(x)\geq d(1)-k\text{.}\) Then, since \(x\geq f(x)>2^k\text{,}\) it follows that \(x\gt 2^k\text{,}\) which implies \(k\lt n-1\text{.}\) Let
By the induction hypothesis, there exists
This, together with
implies \(d(1)\leq d(x)+k+1\text{,}\) i.e., \(d(1)-k\geq d(x)+1\text{,}\) contradicting the assumption that \(d(x)\geq d(1)-k\text{.}\)
If \(x\lt y\) and \(d(x)=d(y)\text{,}\) then \(f(x)\not= f(y)\text{.}\) Otherwise the chain starting with \(y\) could be extended to \(x\text{.}\) Therefore,
and \(d(1)\geq n\text{.}\) In other words, the maximum length of the sequence \(1=a_1\lt a_2\lt \cdots\) with \(f(a_1)\leq f(a_2)\leq\cdots\) is at least \(n\text{,}\) which completes the proof of the induction step.
By the Principle of Mathematical Induction, the claim is true for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\text{.}\)
We show the sharpness of the bound in the following way.
Let \(g(2^k+l)=2^k-l\) with \(0\leq k\leq n-2\) and \(0\leq l\leq 2^k-1\text{.}\) Then
Observe that, for any \(1\leq i\leq 2^{n-1}-1\text{,}\) \(g(i)\leq i\text{.}\) Notice that the range of \(g\) consists of \(n-1\) monotone decreasing intervals. Any sequence
contains at most one number from each these intervals. Therefore, the longest possible sequence is of the length \(n-1\text{:}\)