Chapter 38 The Rise and Fall of Chaos – Comic
Project by: Hao Ran Li, Bailley Halvorson, Brent Stoeckel, Xi Zhang, and ZiYan Zhou.
\(\textbf{Summary:}\) The comic depicts a story in which we have a villain, Dr Lorenz Chaos, and an heroic duo, Captain Ramsey and Boy Erdős.
Dr. Chaos is a classy villain in a loud, multi–coloured suit. He thinks it portrays chaos, our heroes will explain otherwise.
Boy Erdős is dressed in typical sidekick fashion with a tight fitting suit, a mask and a cape. Finally Captain Ramsey, as with many classic superheroes, borrows attributes from his bird–totem, the pigeon with a pigeon-head head-piece, feathered arms and also a cape.
Dr. Chaos, as is natural for a villain, sets out to rob a bank with the assistance of his henchmen. They arrive at the bank and immediately begin sowing confusion and disarray with explosions, noise and smoke. The Doctorr regularly laughs and yells “Chaos!”
The police are called to the scene prompting the villain to take hostages. He makes random seeming and contradictory demands of the police. The police soon realize they are outmatched and so our heroes are summoned.
Captain Ramsey and Boy Erdős arrive and begin to battle with the Doctor Initially they gain access to the bank using colour fans and spikes to force their way in. Then their primary weapon is Chaos itself.
They use various Ramsey–esque theories to prove that Chaos is impossible and thus doesn't really exist. The Doctor responds erratically. Eventually they are able to convince him and he succumbs, disappearing in a puff of rainbow smoke and his henchmen immediately surrender.
Our heroes have saved the day.
The story is portrayed through simple coloured comic drawings displayed in prezi accompanied by the live reading of parts by members of the group.
Watch a video with the carton below.