Chapter 47 Enhancement of the Course Notes
Project by: Rashid Barket, Arpit Kaur, Michael Stephen Paulgaard, and Ompreet Kaur Sarang.
\(\textbf{Summary:}\) Our project is focused on enhancing the course notes provided by Dr. Jungic. We are doing so in two methods: The first method is to add exercises to all the chapters. The purpose of adding exercises to this project is to get the reader to get hands-on practice in easy to medium level problems using ideas from Ramsey theory. The second method to enhance the course notes is to add new content to the course notes. On the recommendation of Dr. Jungic, we are writing about finding the density of planar sets without one unit distances and finding the fractional chromatic number of the plane. The purpose of the second part of the project has two objectives. The first objective is to help students understand a complicated subject like fractional chromatic numbers in a more intuitive way. Most of the students taking this class are not Math majors so we want to help these students grasp a concept that is normally intended for an audience with more mathematics experience.