Spatial Analysis

With all my boolean images created, I now have the required criteria to apply to the MCE boolean intersection module. The final image of the MCE was produced using SLOPEBOOL, RAINBOOL, TEMPBOOL and ROADBOOL.

 This final image shows areas which are suitable for a pineapple plantation that meets the following criteria:

                                                    A) Slope angle of no more than 2.5 degrees

                                                    B) Mean annual precipitation of at least 20 inches.

                                                    C) Mean annual soil temperatures between 18.5 oC and 22.5 oC

                                                    D) Location of no more than 5 km away from major road.

The northeastern side of the Big Island seems to be the best location to consider for locating a new Pineapple Plantation.

Main    1.0 Conceptual Outline    2.0 Data Collection    3.0 Methodology    4.0 Spatial Analysis    5.0 Methodological and Operational Problems