
        After the collection stage of my data, I needed to design the method that I would use in order to carry out my spatial analysis project.

        Since this was a spatial analysis project dealing with a set of criteria , I would select to apply the Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) module available in IDRISI as the analytical tool for my project. There are a total of three MCE modules available, but I planned on only using one module for my project.

        I planned to apply the Boolean Intersection Approach for the spatial analysis of selecting the most suitable region for locating the new pineapple plantation. It appeared to be a clear cut analysis since it was logical in this project to pinpoint the region(s) that fulfilled all the set criteria.
                                                            A) Slope angle of no more than 2.5 degrees

                                                            B) Mean annual precipitation of at least 20 inches.

                                                            C) Mean annual soil temperatures between 18.5 oC and 22.5 oC

                                                            D) Location of no more than 5 km away from major road.

        However, in order to create this MCE boolean image, I must first create the boolean images for the 4 criteria starting with the Slope boolean image which requires a DEM. Since a DEM was not available, I elected to create my own using Idrisi Tin Interpolation. The following are links to the 4 boolean images I created.


Main    1.0 Conceptual Outline    2.0 Data Collection    3.0 Methodology    4.0 Spatial Analysis    5.0 Methodological and Operational Problems