Conceptual Outline

        The concept behind this project started out when my sister came back from her vacation in Hawaii. Looking through her photos of the Dole Pineapple Plantation gave me the idea of finding out the most suitable areas for a new plantation on the Big Island of Hawaii. I first searched the internet for available GIS data on Hawaii and found a great deal of datasets at the Hawaii Statewide GIS Program website.

        To begin my project, I first set aside a set of criteria for evaluating the most suitable regions in the Big Island to locate this new plantation.

                                                    A) Slope angle of no more than 2.5 degrees

                                                    B) Mean annual precipitation of at least 20 inches.

                                                    C) Mean annual soil temperatures between 18.5 oC and 22.5 oC

                                                    D) Location of no more than 5 km away from major roads.

        A slope angle of 2.5 degrees was chosen because pineapples grow in fields and the flatter the field the better. Although pineapple crops can withstand drought situations, 20 inches of annual rainfall with soil temperatures between 18.5 oC and 22.5 oC will provide the omptimum requirements for pinapple growth. Lastly, the location of the plantation should be no more than 5 km away from any major road to provide easy access and transportion to export the product.

Main    1.0 Conceptual Outline    2.0 Data Collection    3.0 Methodology    4.0 Spatial Analysis    5.0 Methodological and Operational Problems