Methodological and Operational Problems

        This project required a lot of thinking about what data I should use to form the constraints in order to perform the analysis. It would have been optimal for me to aslo include the criteria of soil classification. In my research, I was able to find a dataset on the soils of Hawaii. However, I could not identify the classification that was used and what type of soil each classification belonged to. The metedata did not provide the information I needed and therefore further research into what the classification represented was required. Unfortunately, I was unable to obtain information in how this dataset was classified. The unavailability of the soil layer information was a major let down as soil type is an important condition for pineapple crops.

        I continued to perform my analysis of the most suitable regions for locating a pineapple plantation without the soil layer and ran into difficulty in creating the boolean images for SLOPEBOOL, RAINBOOL and TEMPBOOL because the data I aquired did not include a DEM image. Therefore I set out to create my own using the INTERPOLATION and TIN modules. The greatest problem I had was in creating the TIN image because I was unsure of how to attempt this operation. With the aid of the Idrisi Help menu, I was able to complete the TIN image and create a DEM that was usable.

        The final task of creating a web page to display my GIS project was the second most time intensive process, first being the researching of the soil classification data. I have never created a web page before and to create one for this project was much different from the lab assignment that required me to create a web page. That was a simple assignment and not much designing was needed. The project however required me to meticulously go through each link and make sure that they direct it to the correct location. This was the greatest problem for me because I had links going to the wrong places all the time. I was finally able to complete this project by posting it on the web and hopefully, my links did not change overnight to redirect them elsewhere.

Main    1.0 Conceptual Outline    2.0 Data Collection    3.0 Methodology    4.0 Spatial Analysis    5.0 Methodological and Operational Problems