Career Planning

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Explore your Future Career

Certain majors/minors may be more directly related to specific careers than others. Start by researching your interests and career options with Career Services. Once you have prepared your questions, meet with a career advisor to discuss your future plans. You can make an appointment by calling (778) 782-3106.

Some things to keep in mind when choosing your major or minors are:

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Graduate School

Find out whether the graduate program you plan to pursue requires the completion of a specific major or minors. For example, a master’s program in English would require minimum completion of a major in English as part of an undergraduate degree. Other programs, such as a MBA or Law School do not require the completion of a specific major. You may also wish to pursue an Honours degree, as preparation for graduate studies.

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Secondary School Teaching

You will need to complete one teachable major or two teachable minors as part of your degree for admission into the PDP program.

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Future Career Options

Arts and Social Sciences students develop valuable workplace skills that prepare them for exciting careers in the private and not-for profit sector and public service. Your major or minor do not anymore exclusively define what you will be doing in the future. Co-op, field schools, volunteering, graduate schools will all contribute to your portfolio of skills, knowledge and experience.