
Offered for the first time in Vancouver: Essex Summer School at SFU

March 17, 2025

This summer, in collaboration with Simon Fraser University (SFU), the Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis will be offered for the first time in Vancouver, BC. 

For over 50 years, the Essex Summer School (ESS) has served as a connection between social science communities throughout the world, providing social science methods training by internationally renowned faculty drawn from the world’s top research institutions. Each year, ESS receives over 500 students from an array of disciplines in over 40 countries seeking world-class instruction in social science research methods. An Essex Summer School credential is recognised for its quality throughout the international academic social science community. 

The summer school is usually held at the University of Essex in the UK, so this is a rare opportunity for graduate students and social science researchers to partake in this training in Vancouver, Canada. Accommodations are available on the SFU campus at a discount rate. 

Organized by SFU's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), the Essex@SFU program offers five new courses, which can be completed both on the SFU campus and online. Running from June 23rd to 27th, the full-day courses are taught by FASS researchers as well as faculty from Université de Montréal and the University of Colorado Boulder. 

  • Improve Your Ordinary Least Squares Regression: How to Test Assumptions and Strategies for Violations
    Rachel T. Fouladi, SFU Psychology 
  • How to interpret regression models: Causality, heterogeneity, and non-linearity
    Vincent Arel-Bundock, Université de Montréal 
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis
    Andrew Q. Philips, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Experimental Social Sciences
    David Freeman, SFU Economics
  • A Hands-on Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
    Sheri Fabian, SFU Criminology

This year’s keynote speaker features professor Kosuke Imai from the Department of Government and Department of Statistics at Harvard University.

The application deadline to join the Essex Summer School program at SFU is May 23, 2025

For all enquiries, please contact professor Mark Pickup at
