Looking back: A new year’s message from FASS Dean, Laurel Weldon

January 09, 2024
Dean Laurel Weldon at June 2023 Convocation
Dean Laurel Weldon at June 2023 Convocation

It’s been a full year since I became Dean of SFU’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, so I thought it appropriate to take a look back at 2023. There is so much that I’m proud of, I’d like to share some of the moments I was able to capture in photos. I hope you enjoy my invitation to reminisce.

In one of my first weeks on the job, we had the pleasure of a winter fire drill. 

I attended the President's Honour Roll Reception, including exceptional students, Jiven Lal and Lauren Parry, who were later chosen to be legislative interns in Victoria.

The President's Honour Roll
The President's Honour Roll
Three people stand together
Lauren Parry, Laurel Weldon, Jiven Lal

I attended SFU Library’s Celebration of Authors, including books by Guggenheim fellow Michael J. Hathaway, Eldon Yellowhorn’s award-winning book, and Lara Campbell’s new book. How she found time to do this while serving as acting Dean and Associate Dean, I’ll never know.

What a Mushroom Lives For by Michael J. Hathaway
What a Mushroom Lives For by Michael J. Hathaway
Sky Wolf's Call by Eldon Yellowhorn
Sky Wolf's Call by Eldon Yellowhorn
Feeling Feminism by Lara Campbell
Feeling Feminism by Lara Campbell

I was also fortunate to have time to spend time with family, including a visit from my son, and with my mom who also came to campus when she was here visiting. Wild to be back where it all started, when I graduated from SFU in 1990!

... so it was more of an honour than I could ever express to be on stage to congratulate our graduating class of 2023.

I am so proud to be in the position to celebrate SFU’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences greatness; not only at Convocation, but daily. It feels good to be part of a community where everyone is so committed to our mission of teaching students and doing cutting-edge research on big problems. We have so much to offer – I am still learning about all the exciting programs and opportunities – from field schools to co-op, programs that give you hands on experiences you can take forward with you into your jobs and lives. We have options for nearly every student, and we’ve expanded our ability to support students, helping find just the right program. We help students build an education not just for a career, but for a fulfilling life. And our students do very well! You’ll find our students doing incredible things around here. 

FASS faculty members are recognized researchers, acclaimed authors, and award-winning professionals who are game-changers in their fields. They bring their real-world expertise into the classroom for all students to benefit. 

As we kick off 2024, we hope to run into you somewhere here in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Take a class with us. Come to one of the over 200 events we hold annually, most of which are public and free! 

See you around here, we hope! 

FASS Dean, Laurel Weldon
